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brand name

English Thesaurus

1. a name given to a product or service (noun.communication)
definition:a language unit by which a person or thing is known (noun.communication)
:label, recording label,
definition:trade name of a company that produces musical recordings (noun.communication)
definition:a device invented by Edison that gave an impression of movement as an endless loop of film moved continuously over a light source with a rapid shutter; precursor of the modern motion picture (noun.artifact)
:lidocaine, xylocaine,
definition:a local anesthetic (trade names Lidocaine and Xylocaine) used topically on the skin and mucous membranes (noun.artifact)
definition:(trade mark) a plastic film that can polarize a beam of light; often used in sunglasses to eliminate glare (noun.artifact)
definition:tampon used to absorb menstrual flow (noun.artifact)
:k-dur 20, k-lor, k-lyte, kaochlor, klorvess, potash muriate, potassium chloride, potassium muriate,
definition:salt of potassium (KCl) (trade names K-Dur 20, Kaochlor and K-lor and Klorvess and K-lyte); taken in tablet form to treat potassium deficiency (noun.substance)
definition:a brand of car polish (noun.substance)
:acebutolol, sectral,
definition:an oral beta blocker (trade name Sectral) used in treating hypertension (noun.artifact)
:alprazolam, xanax,
definition:an antianxiety agent (trade name Xanax) of the benzodiazepine class (noun.artifact)
:ampicillin, polycillin, principen, sk-ampicillin,
definition:semisynthetic penicillin (trade names Principen and Polycillin and SK-Ampicillin) (noun.artifact)
:amrinone, inocor,
definition:a drug (trade name Inocor) used intravenously in heart failure; increases strength of contraction of myocardium (noun.artifact)
:acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, bayer, empirin, st. joseph,
definition:the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets (noun.artifact)
:cefadroxil, ultracef,
definition:a cephalosporin antibiotic (trade name Ultracef) (noun.artifact)
:cefobid, cefoperazone,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Cefobid) used for severe infections (noun.artifact)
:cefotaxime, claforan,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Claforan) used for severe infections of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:ceftazidime, fortaz, tazicef,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade names Fortaz and Tazicef) used to treat moderate infections (noun.artifact)
:ceftriaxone, rocephin,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Rocephin) used for severe infection of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:celebrex, celecoxib,
definition:a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Celebrex) that relieves pain and inflammation without harming the digestive tract (noun.artifact)
:cephalexin, keflex, keflin, keftab,
definition:an oral cephalosporin (trade names Keflex and Keflin and Keftab) commonly prescribe for mild to moderately severe infections of the skin or ears or throat or lungs or urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:cephalosporin, mefoxin,
definition:one of several broad spectrum antibiotic substances obtained from fungi and related to penicillin (trade names Mefoxin); addition of side chains has produced semisynthetic antibiotics with greater antibacterial activity (noun.artifact)
:baycol, cerivastatin,
definition:an oral drug (trade name Baycol) to reduce blood cholesterol levels (noun.artifact)
:chlorambucil, leukeran,
definition:an alkalating agent (trade name Leukeran) used to treat some kinds of cancer (noun.artifact)
:chlordiazepoxide, libritabs, librium,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade names Librium and Libritabs) used in the treatment of alcoholism (noun.artifact)
:chlorothiazide, diuril,
definition:a diuretic drug (trade name Diuril) used in the treatment of edema and hypertension (noun.artifact)
:chlor-trimeton, chlorpheniramine maleate, coricidin,
definition:an antihistamine (trade names Coricidin and Chlor-Trimeton) (noun.artifact)
:chlorpromazine, thorazine,
definition:a drug (trade name Thorazine) derived from phenothiazine that has antipsychotic effects and is used as a sedative and tranquilizer (noun.artifact)
:aureomycin, chlortetracycline,
definition:a yellow crystalline antibiotic (trade name Aureomycin) used to treat certain bacterial and rickettsial diseases (noun.artifact)
:cimetidine, tagamet,
definition:a drug (trade name Tagamet) used to treat peptic ulcers by decreasing the secretion of stomach acid (noun.artifact)
:cipro, ciprofloxacin,
definition:an oral antibiotic (trade name Cipro) used against serious bacterial infections of the skin or respiratory tract or urinary tract or bones or joints (noun.artifact)
:atromid-s, clofibrate,
definition:a drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum; used to treat some cardiovascular diseases (noun.artifact)
:clomid, clomiphene, clomiphene citrate,
definition:a fertility drug (trade name Clomid) that is used to stimulate ovulation and that has been associated with multiple births (noun.artifact)
:catapres, clonidine,
definition:an antihypertensive (trade name Catapres) that can be administered orally or via transdermal patches (noun.artifact)
:clopidogrel bisulfate, plavix,
definition:a blood thinner (trade name Plavix) approved for the treatment of mild heart attacks; works by preventing blood platelets from sticking together to form clots that would restrict blood flow (noun.artifact)
:cyclobenzaprine, flexeril,
definition:muscle relaxant (trade name Flexeril) used for muscle spasms or acute injury (noun.artifact)
:cyproheptadine, periactin,
definition:an antihistamine (trade name Periactin) used to treat some allergic reactions (noun.artifact)
:declomycin, demeclocycline hydrochloride,
definition:tetracycline antibacterial (trade name Declomycin) effective in the treatment of some bacterial and rickettsial and other infections (noun.artifact)
:dexedrine, dextroamphetamine sulphate,
definition:an isomer of amphetamine (trade name Dexedrine) used as a central nervous system stimulant (noun.artifact)
:diazepam, valium,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions of the neurotransmitter GABA; can also be used as an anticonvulsant drug in cases of nerve agent poisoning (noun.artifact)
:diazoxide, hyperstat,
definition:vasodilator (trade name Hyperstat) used to treat severe hypertension (noun.artifact)
:cataflam, diclofenac potassium,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Cataflam) (noun.artifact)
:diclofenac sodium, voltaren,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Voltaren) that is administered only orally (noun.artifact)
:dicloxacillin, dynapen,
definition:antibacterial (trade name Dynapen) used to treat staphylococcal infections that are resistant to penicillin (noun.artifact)
:diflunisal, dolobid,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Dolobid) used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions (noun.artifact)
:digoxin, lanoxin,
definition:digitalis preparation (trade name Lanoxin) used to treat congestive heart failure or cardiac arrhythmia; helps the heart beat more forcefully (noun.artifact)
:cardizem, diltiazem,
definition:a calcium blocker (trade name Cardizem) used in treating hypertension or angina or heart failure (noun.artifact)
:dimenhydrinate, dramamine,
definition:antihistamine and antiemetic (trade name Dramamine) used to treat motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:dilantin, diphenylhydantoin, phenytoin,
definition:an anticonvulsant drug (trade name Dilantin) used to treat epilepsy and that is not a sedative (noun.artifact)
:antabuse, disulfiram,
definition:a drug (trade name Antabuse) used in the treatment of alcoholism; causes nausea and vomiting if alcohol is ingested (noun.artifact)
:enalapril, vasotec,
definition:an ACE inhibitor (trade name Vasotec) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidney and so results in vasodilation; administered after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:encainide, enkaid,
definition:antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Enkaid) used to treat life-threatening arrhythmias but increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients (noun.artifact)
:enflurane, ethrane,
definition:a nonflammable liquid (trade name Ethrane) used as an inhalation general anesthetic (noun.artifact)
:e-mycin, erythrocin, erythromycin, ethril, ilosone, pediamycin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Erythrocin or E-Mycin or Ethril or Ilosone or Pediamycin) obtained from the actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus; effective against many Gram-positive bacteria and some Gram-negative (noun.artifact)
:brevibloc, esmolol,
definition:intravenous beta blocker (trade name Brevibloc) that acts for only a short time; used primarily for cardiac arrhythmias (noun.artifact)
:estazolam, prosom,
definition:a frequently prescribed sleeping pill (trade name ProSom) (noun.artifact)
:enbrel, etanercept,
definition:a genetically engineered anti-TNF compound (trade name Enbrel) consisting of receptors that bind TNF; it is injected twice a week in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (noun.artifact)
:edecrin, ethacrynic acid,
definition:diuretic (trade name Edecrin) used to treat edema (noun.artifact)
:ethchlorvynol, placidyl,
definition:a mild sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Placidyl) (noun.artifact)
:emeside, ethosuximide, zarontin,
definition:an anticonvulsant drug (trade names Emeside and Zarontin) used to treat petit mal epilepsy (noun.artifact)
:etodolac, lodine,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Lodine) (noun.artifact)
:famotidine, pepcid,
definition:a histamine blocker (trade name Pepcid) used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis and esophageal reflux (noun.artifact)
:felt tip, felt-tip pen, felt-tipped pen, magic marker,
definition:a pen with a writing tip made of felt (trade name Magic Marker) (noun.artifact)
:fenoprofen, fenoprofen calcium, nalfon,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Nalfon) used in the treatment of arthritis and other painful inflammatory disorders (noun.artifact)
:flecainide, tambocor,
definition:oral antiarrhythmic medication (trade name Tambocor) used as a last resort in treating arrhythmias; increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients (noun.artifact)
:fluoxetine, fluoxetine hydrocholoride, prozac, sarafem,
definition:a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade names Prozac or Sarafem); it is thought to work by increasing the activity of serotonin in the brain (noun.artifact)
:dalmane, flurazepam, flurazepam hydrochloride,
definition:tranquilizer (trade name Dalmane) used to treat insomnia (noun.artifact)
:ansaid, flurbiprofen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Ansaid) that is administered only orally (noun.artifact)
:fluvastatin, lescol,
definition:least expensive statin drug (trade name Lescol); usually taken orally at bedtime (noun.artifact)
:furosemide, lasix,
definition:commonly used diuretic (trade name Lasix) used to treat hypertension and edema (noun.artifact)
:gemfibrozil, lopid,
definition:medication (trade name Lopid) used to lower the levels of triglyceride in the blood (noun.artifact)
:garamycin, gentamicin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Garamycin) that is derived from an actinomycete; used in treating infections of the urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:glipizide, glucotrol,
definition:an oral antidiabetic drug (trade name Glucotrol) that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas (noun.artifact)
:doriden, glutethimide,
definition:sedative (trade name Doriden) used to treat some sleep disorders (noun.artifact)
:diabeta, glyburide, micronase,
definition:an oral antidiabetic drug (trade names DiaBeta and Micronase) that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas (noun.artifact)
:fulvicin, griseofulvin,
definition:a kind of penicillin (a fungicidal antibiotic with the trade name Fulvicin) produced by molds of the genus Penicillium (noun.artifact)
:guanabenz, wytensin,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Wytensin) that reduces blood pressure by its effect on the central nervous system (noun.artifact)
:haldol, haloperidol,
definition:tranquilizer (trade name Haldol) used to treat some psychotic disorders and Tourette's syndrome (noun.artifact)
:esidrix, hydrochlorothiazide, hydrodiuril, microzide,
definition:a diuretic drug (trade name Microzide, Esidrix, and HydroDIURIL) used in the treatment of hypertension (noun.artifact)
:dilaudid, hydromorphone, hydromorphone hydrochloride,
definition:a narcotic analgesic (trade name Dilaudid) used to treat moderate to severe pain (noun.artifact)
:hydroxychloroquine, plaquenil,
definition:anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Plaquenil) used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and malaria and lupus erythematosus (noun.artifact)
:atarax, hydroxyzine, hydroxyzine hydrochloride, vistaril,
definition:a drug (trade names Atarax and Vistaril) used as a tranquilizer to treat anxiety and motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:advil, ibuprofen, isobutylphenyl propionic acid, motrin, nuprin,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine (trade names Advil and Motrin and Nuprin) used to relieve the pain of arthritis and as an antipyretic (noun.artifact)
:imavate, imipramine, impramine hydrochloride, tofranil,
definition:a tricyclic antidepressant (trade names Imavate and Tofranil) used to treat clinical depression (noun.artifact)
:indapamide, lozal,
definition:diuretic (trade name Lozal) used in the treatment of hypertension (noun.artifact)
:indocin, indomethacin,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Indocin) (noun.artifact)
:infliximab, remicade,
definition:an anti-TNF compound (trade name Remicade) consisting of an antibody directed against TNF; it is given intravenously at one-month to three-month intervals; used in treatment of regional enteritis and rheumatoid arthritis (noun.artifact)
:atrovent, ipratropium bromide,
definition:an inhaled bronchodilator (trade name Atrovent) (noun.artifact)
:isocarboxazid, marplan,
definition:a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (trade name Marplan) that is used to treat clinical depression (noun.artifact)
:inh, isoniazid, nydrazid,
definition:antibacterial drug (trade name Nydrazid) used to treat tuberculosis (noun.artifact)
:isoproterenol, isuprel,
definition:drug (trade name Isuprel) used to treat bronchial asthma and to stimulate the heart (noun.artifact)
:isordil, isosorbide,
definition:drug (trade name Isordil) used to treat angina pectoris and congestive heart failure (noun.artifact)
:itraconazole, sporanox,
definition:an oral antifungal drug (trade name Sporanox) taken for cases of fungal nail disease (noun.artifact)
:kanamycin, kantrex,
definition:antibiotic (trade name Kantrex) used to treat severe infections (noun.artifact)
:ketoprofen, orudis, orudis kt, oruvail,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Orudis or Orudis KT or Oruvail) (noun.artifact)
:ketorolac, torodal,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Torodal) that is given only orally (noun.artifact)
:acular, ketorolac tromethamine, toradol,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Acular and Toradol) that is administered only intramuscularly (noun.artifact)
:arava, leflunomide,
definition:an anti-TNF compound (trade name Arava) that is given orally; can slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis by slowing the proliferation of white blood cells which reduces inflammation in the synovium (noun.artifact)
:levallorphan, lorfan,
definition:drug (trade name Lorfan) that is related to morphine but that counteracts the respiratory depression produced by morphine poisoning but without affecting its analgesic effects (noun.artifact)
:lincocin, lincomycin,
definition:antibiotic (trade name Lincocin) obtained from a streptomyces bacterium and used in the treatment of certain penicillin-resistant infections (noun.artifact)
:lisinopril, prinival, zestril,
definition:an ACE inhibiting drug (trade names Prinival or Zestril) administered as an antihypertensive and after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:ativan, lorazepam,
definition:tranquilizer (trade name Ativan) used to treat anxiety and tension and insomnia (noun.artifact)
:lovastatin, mevacor,
definition:an oral drug (trade name Mevacor) to reduce blood cholesterol levels; used when dietary changes have proved inadequate (noun.artifact)
:loxapine, loxitane,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Loxitane) used to treat schizophrenia (noun.artifact)
:mannitol, osmitrol,
definition:a diuretic (trade name Osmitrol) used to promote the excretion of urine (noun.artifact)
:antivert, meclizine, meclizine hydrochloride,
definition:an antihistamine (trade name Antivert) used to treat or prevent motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:meclofenamate, meclofenamate sodium, meclomen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Meclomen) used to treat arthritis (noun.artifact)
:alkeran, melphalan,
definition:antineoplastic drug (trade name Alkeran) used to treat multiple myeloma and some other malignancies (noun.artifact)
:demerol, meperidine, meperidine hydrochloride,
definition:a synthetic narcotic drug (trade name Demerol) used to treat pain (noun.artifact)
:mephenytoin, mesantoin,
definition:a toxic anticonvulsant drug (trade name Mesantoin) used in the treatment of epilepsy when less toxic anticonvulsants have been ineffective (noun.artifact)
:mebaral, mephobarbital,
definition:a long-acting crystalline barbiturate (trade name Mebaral) used as a sedative and as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy (noun.artifact)
:equanil, meprin, meprobamate, miltown,
definition:a sedative and tranquilizer (trade name Miltown and Equanil and Meprin) used to treat muscle tension and anxiety (noun.artifact)
:mercaptopurine, purinethol,
definition:a drug (trade name Purinethol) that interferes with the metabolism of purine and is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia (noun.artifact)
:alupent, metaproterenol,
definition:a bronchodilator (trade name Alupent) used to treat asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects include tachycardia and shakiness (noun.artifact)
:glucophage, metformin,
definition:an antidiabetic drug (trade name Glucophage) prescribed to treat type II diabetes (noun.artifact)
:methaqualone, quaalude,
definition:sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Quaalude) that is a drug of abuse (noun.artifact)
:gemonil, metharbital,
definition:anticonvulsant drug (trade name Gemonil) used in the treatment of epilepsy (noun.artifact)
:mandelamine, methenamine, urex,
definition:antibacterial agent (trade names Mandelamine and Urex) that is contained in many products that are used to treat urinary infections (noun.artifact)
:methocarbamol, robaxin,
definition:muscle relaxant for skeletal muscles (trade name Robaxin) used to treat spasms (noun.artifact)
:aldomet, alpha methyl dopa, methyldopa,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Aldomet) used in the treatment of high blood pressure (noun.artifact)
:methylphenidate, ritalin,
definition:central nervous system stimulant (trade name Ritalin) used in the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and attention deficit disorder in children (noun.artifact)
:flagyl, metronidazole,
definition:antiprotozoal medication (trade name Flagyl) used to treat trichomoniasis and giardiasis (noun.artifact)
:mexiletine, mexitil,
definition:antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Mexitil) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias (noun.artifact)
:miconazole, monistat,
definition:an antifungal agent usually administered in the form of a nitrate (trade name Monistat) (noun.artifact)
:midazolam, versed,
definition:an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation and for reducing pain during uncomfortable medical procedures (noun.artifact)
:argyrol, mild silver protein,
definition:antiseptic consisting of a compound of protein and silver (trade name Argyrol) (noun.artifact)
:minocin, minocycline,
definition:tetracycline antibiotic (trade name Minocin) used to treat a variety of bacterial and rickettsial infections (noun.artifact)
:mithracin, mithramycin,
definition:an antineoplastic drug (trade name Mithracin) used to treat cancer of the testes (noun.artifact)
:mitomycin, mutamycin,
definition:a complex of antibiotic substances obtained from a streptomyces bacterium; one form (trade name Mutamycin) shows promise as an anticancer drug (noun.artifact)
:moban, molindone,
definition:antipsychotic drug (trade name Moban) used in the treatment of schizophrenia (noun.artifact)
:nabumetone, relafen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Relafen) (noun.artifact)
:corgard, nadolol,
definition:a beta-adrenergic blocking agent (trade name Corgard) that is used to treat hypertension and angina (noun.artifact)
:naloxone, narcan,
definition:a potent narcotic antagonist (trade name Narcan) especially effective with morphine (noun.artifact)
:naphazoline, privine, sudafed,
definition:vasoconstrictor (trade names Privine and Sudafed) used in nasal sprays to treat symptoms of nasal congestion and in eyedrops to treat eye irritation (noun.artifact)
:naprosyn, naproxen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Naprosyn) used in the treatment of arthritis and musculoskeletal inflammation and moderate pain (noun.artifact)
:nefazodone, serzone,
definition:an antidepressant drug (trade name Serzone) (noun.artifact)
:fradicin, neobiotic, neomycin,
definition:an antibiotic obtained from an actinomycete and used (as a sulphate under the trade name Neobiotic) as an intestinal antiseptic in surgery (noun.artifact)
:neostigmine, prostigmin,
definition:a cholinergic drug (trade name Prostigmin) used to treat some ophthalmic conditions and to treat myasthenia gravis (noun.artifact)
:nifedipine, procardia,
definition:calcium blocker (trade name Procardia); appears to increase the risk of recurrent heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:macrodantin, nitrofurantoin,
definition:derivative of nitrofuran used as an antibacterial medicine (trade name Macrodantin) effective against a broad range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; used to treat infections of the urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:nortriptyline, pamelor,
definition:a tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Pamelor) used along with psychotherapy to treat dysthymic depression; may interact dangerously if taken with other drugs (noun.artifact)
:mycostatin, nystan, nystatin,
definition:an antifungal and antibiotic (trade names Mycostatin and Nystan) discovered in New York State; derived from soil fungi actinomycetes (noun.artifact)
:norflex, orphenadrine,
definition:a skeletal muscle relaxant (trade name Norflex) used to treat severe muscle strain and Parkinsonism (noun.artifact)
:daypro, oxaprozin,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Daypro) (noun.artifact)
:oxazepam, serax,
definition:a tranquilizing drug (trade name Serax) used to treat anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal (noun.artifact)
:oxyphenbutazone, tandearil,
definition:an anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Tandearil) used to treat arthritis and bursitis (noun.artifact)
:daricon, oxyphencyclimine,
definition:an anticholinergic drug (trade name Daricon) used in treating peptic ulcers (noun.artifact)
:kavrin, papaverine,
definition:an alkaloid medicine (trade name Kavrin) obtained from opium; used to relax smooth muscles; it is nonaddictive (noun.artifact)
:paroxetime, paxil,
definition:a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Paxil) (noun.artifact)
:cuprimine, penicillamine,
definition:a drug (trade name Cuprimine) used to treat heavy metal poisoning and Wilson's disease and severe arthritis (noun.artifact)
:ledercillin vk, penicillin v potassium,
definition:a form of penicillin V (trade name Ledercillin VK) (noun.artifact)
:pentaerythritol, peritrate,
definition:a coronary vasodilator (trade name Peritrate) used to treat angina pectoris (noun.artifact)
:pentazocine, talwin,
definition:analgesic drug (trade name Talwin) that is less addictive than morphine (noun.artifact)
:nembutal, pentobarbital, pentobarbital sodium, yellow jacket,
definition:a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and antispasmodic (noun.artifact)
:pentoxifylline, trental,
definition:a drug (trade name Trental) used to treat claudication; believed to increase the flexibility of red blood cells so they can flow through the blood vessels to the legs and feet (noun.artifact)
:perphenazine, triavil,
definition:tranquilizer and antidepressant (trade name Triavil) sometimes used as an antiemetic for adults (noun.artifact)
:phenazopyridine, pyridium,
definition:analgesic (trade name Pyridium) used to treat urinary tract infections (noun.artifact)
:nardil, phenelzine,
definition:monoamine oxidase inhibitor (trade name Nardil) used to treat clinical depression (noun.artifact)
:milontin, phensuximide,
definition:anticonvulsant (trade name Milontin) used to treat petit mal (noun.artifact)
:phentolamine, vasomax,
definition:a virility drug (trade name Vasomax) to treat erectile dysfunction in men (noun.artifact)
:butazolidin, phenylbutazone,
definition:anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Butazolidin) (noun.artifact)
:pindolol, visken,
definition:an oral beta blocker (trade name Visken) used in treating hypertension (noun.artifact)
:piperacillin, pipracil,
definition:a synthetic type of penicillin antibiotic (trade name Pipracil) used for moderate to severe infections (noun.artifact)
:feldene, piroxicam,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Feldene) used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions (noun.artifact)
:pneumococcal vaccine, pneumovax,
definition:vaccine (trade name Pneumovax) effective against the 23 most common strains of pneumococcus (noun.artifact)
:polaroid camera, polaroid land camera,
definition:a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds (noun.artifact)
:acrilan, polypropenonitrile,
definition:acrylic resin used to make a strong soft crease-resistant fabric (trade name Acrilan) (noun.artifact)
:pravachol, pravastatin,
definition:an oral drug (trade name Pravachol) administered to reduce blood cholesterol levels; recommended after nonfatal heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:minipress, prazosin,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Minipress) (noun.artifact)
:mysoline, primidone,
definition:an anticonvulsant (trade name Mysoline) used to treat grand mal seizures and essential tremor (noun.artifact)
:ethocaine, procaine,
definition:a white crystalline powder (trade name Ethocaine) administered near nerves as a local anesthetic in dentistry and medicine (noun.artifact)
:novocain, novocaine, procaine hydrochloride,
definition:procaine administered as a hydrochloride (trade name Novocain) (noun.artifact)
:kemadrin, procyclidine,
definition:drug (trade name Kemadrin) used to reduce tremors in Parkinsonism (noun.artifact)
:phenergan, promethazine,
definition:antihistamine (trade name Phenergan) used to treat allergies; also an antiemetic used to treat motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:inderal, propanolol,
definition:the first beta blocker (trade name Inderal) used in treating hypertension and angina pectoris and essential tremor (noun.artifact)
:darvon, propoxyphene, propoxyphene hydrochloride,
definition:a mildly narcotic analgesic drug (trade name Darvon) related to methadone but less addictive (noun.artifact)
:atabrine, mepacrine, quinacrine, quinacrine hydrochloride,
definition:a drug (trade name Atabrine) used to treat certain worm infestations and once used to treat malaria (noun.artifact)
:quinidex, quinidine, quinora,
definition:cardiac drug (trade names Quinidex and Quinora) used to treat certain heart arrhythmias (noun.artifact)
:altace, ramipril,
definition:an ACE inhibitor (trade name Altace) used to treat high blood pressure or in some patients who have had a heart attack (noun.artifact)
:ranitidine, zantac,
definition:a histamine blocker and antacid (trade name Zantac) used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis and esophageal reflux (noun.artifact)
:rau-sed, raudixin, reserpine, sandril, serpasil,
definition:antihypertensive consisting of an alkaloid extracted from the plant Rauwolfia serpentina (trade names Raudixin or Rau-Sed or Sandril or Serpasil) (noun.artifact)
:ribavirin, virazole,
definition:an inhaled antiviral agent (trade name Virazole) that may be used to treat serious virus infections (noun.artifact)
:rifadin, rifampin, rimactane,
definition:an antibacterial drug (trade names Rifadin and Rimactane) used to treat tuberculosis (noun.artifact)
:rofecoxib, vioxx,
definition:a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Vioxx) that relieves pain and inflammation without harming the digestive tract; voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 2004 (noun.artifact)
:kotex, sanitary napkin, sanitary towel,
definition:a disposable absorbent pad (trade name Kotex); worn to absorb menstrual flow (noun.artifact)
:cling film, clingfilm, saran wrap,
definition:a thin plastic film made of saran (trade name Saran Wrap) that sticks to itself; used for wrapping food (noun.artifact)
:red devil, secobarbital, secobarbital sodium, seconal,
definition:barbiturate that is a white odorless slightly bitter powder (trade name Seconal) used as a sodium salt for sedation and to treat convulsions (noun.artifact)
:sertraline, zoloft,
definition:a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Zoloft) (noun.artifact)
:sildenafil, sildenafil citrate, viagra,
definition:virility drug (trade name Viagra) used to treat erectile dysfunction in men (noun.artifact)
:simvastatin, zocor,
definition:an oral lipid-lowering medicine (trade name Zocor) administered to reduce blood cholesterol levels; recommended after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:carafate, sucralfate,
definition:medicine consisting of a tablet (trade name Carafate) used to treat peptic ulcers; said to bind to the ulcer site and coat it (noun.artifact)
:sulamyd, sulfacetamide,
definition:a topical sulfonamide (trade name Sulamyd) used to treat eye infections (noun.artifact)
:gantrisin, sulfisoxazole,
definition:a sulfonamide (trade name Gantrisin) used to treat infections of the urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:clinoril, sulindac,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Clinoril) (noun.artifact)
:cialis, tadalafil,
definition:virility drug (trade name Cialis) used to treat erectile dysfunction in men (noun.artifact)
:restoril, temazepam,
definition:a frequently prescribed benzodiazepine (trade name Restoril); takes effect slowly and lasts long enough to help those people who wake up frequently during the night (noun.artifact)
:hytrin, terazosin,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Hytrin) used to treat high blood pressure (noun.artifact)
:lamisil, terbinafine,
definition:an oral antifungal drug (trade name Lamisil) used to treat cases of fungal nail disease (noun.artifact)
:achromycin, tetracycline,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Achromycin) derived from microorganisms of the genus Streptomyces and used broadly to treat infections (noun.artifact)
:elixophyllin, slo-bid, theobid, theophylline,
definition:a colorless crystalline alkaloid derived from tea leaves or made synthetically; used in medicine as a bronchial dilator (noun.artifact)
:merthiolate, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, thimerosal,
definition:a light-colored crystalline powder (trade name Merthiolate) used as a surgical antiseptic (noun.artifact)
:pentothal, thiopental, thiopental sodium, thiopentobarbital sodium,
definition:barbiturate that is a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong barbiturate that acts rapidly; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic (noun.artifact)
:mellaril, thioridazine,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Mellaril) used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (noun.artifact)
:navane, thiothixene,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Navane) used to treat schizophrenia (noun.artifact)
:blocadren, timolol,
definition:a beta blocker (trade name Blocadren) administered after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:activase, tissue plasminogen activator,
definition:a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction (noun.artifact)
:nebcin, tobramycin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Nebcin) that is especially effective against Gram-negative bacteria (noun.artifact)
:tocainide, tonocard,
definition:antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Tonocard) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias when less dangerous drugs have failed (noun.artifact)
:tolazamide, tolinase,
definition:a drug (trade name Tolinase) used in treating stable adult-onset diabetes mellitus (noun.artifact)
:orinase, tolbutamide,
definition:sulfonylurea; an oral antidiabetic drug (trade name Orinase) used in the treatment of adult-onset diabetes mellitus (noun.artifact)
:tolectin, tolmetin sodium,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Tolectin) (noun.artifact)
:mavik, trandolapril,
definition:an ACE inhibiting drug (trade name Mavik) used in some patients after a heart attack or to treat hypertension (noun.artifact)
:desyrel, trazodone, trazodone hydrochloride,
definition:oral antidepressant (trade name Desyrel) that is a nontricyclic drug used as a sedative (noun.artifact)
:halcion, triazolam,
definition:a form of benzodiazepine (trade name Halcion) frequently prescribed as a sleeping pill; usually given to people who have trouble falling asleep (noun.artifact)
:naqua, trichlormethiazide,
definition:diuretic drug (trade name Naqua) used to treat hypertension (noun.artifact)
:depokene, valproic acid,
definition:anticonvulsant (trade name Depokene) used to prevent some kinds of seizures (noun.artifact)
:vancocin, vancomycin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Vancocin) effective against some bacterial infections (noun.artifact)
:calan, isoptin, verapamil,
definition:a drug (trade names Calan and Isoptin) used as an oral or parenteral calcium blocker in cases of hypertension or congestive heart failure or angina or migraine (noun.artifact)
:velban, vinblastine,
definition:periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Velban) that disrupts cell division (noun.artifact)
:oncovin, vincristine,
definition:periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Oncovin); used to treat cancer of the lymphatic system (noun.artifact)
:walker, zimmer, zimmer frame,
definition:a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps invalids or the handicapped or the aged to walk (noun.artifact)
:coumadin, warfarin,
definition:an anticoagulant (trade name Coumadin) use to prevent and treat a thrombus or embolus (noun.artifact)
definition:the trademark for a machine that smooths the ice in an ice-skating rink (noun.artifact)
:adrenalin, adrenaline, epinephrin, epinephrine,
definition:a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action (noun.body)
:humulin, recombinant human insulin,
definition:a form of insulin (trade name Humulin) made from recombinant DNA that is identical to human insulin; used to treat diabetics who are allergic to preparations made from beef or pork insulin (noun.body)
:oxytocin, pitocin,
definition:hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitocin); stimulates contractions of the uterus and ejection of milk (noun.body)
:adh, antidiuretic hormone, pitressin, vasopressin,
definition:hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also by nerve endings in the hypothalamus; affects blood pressure by stimulating capillary muscles and reduces urine flow by affecting reabsorption of water by kidney tubules (noun.body)
:bendopa, brocadopa, l-dopa, larodopa, levodopa,
definition:the levorotatory form of dopa (trade names Bendopa and Brocadopa and Larodopa); as a drug it is used to treat Parkinson's disease (noun.substance)
:ergonovine, ergotrate maleate,
definition:an alkaloid derived from ergot (trade name Ergotrate Maleate) that is less toxic than ergot; induces muscular contraction of the uterus and is administered after childbirth or abortion (noun.substance)
:lipo-lutin, progesterone,
definition:a steroid hormone (trade name Lipo-Lutin) produced in the ovary; prepares and maintains the uterus for pregnancy (noun.substance)
:norethandrolone, norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, norlutin,
definition:a synthetic progestational hormone (trade name Norlutin) used in oral contraceptives and to treat endometriosis (noun.substance)
:medroxyprogesterone, provera,
definition:a progestin compound (trade name Provera) used to treat menstrual disorders (noun.substance)
:durabolin, kabolin, nandrolone,
definition:an androgen (trade names Durabolin or Kabolin) that is used to treat testosterone deficiency or breast cancer or osteoporosis (noun.substance)
:estrone, estronol, oestrone, theelin,
definition:a naturally occurring weak estrogenic hormone secreted by the mammalian ovary; synthesized (trade name Estronol) and used to treat estrogen deficiency (noun.substance)
:cortef, cortisol, hydrocortisone, hydrocortone,
definition:an adrenal-cortex hormone (trade names Hydrocortone or Cortef) that is active in carbohydrate and protein metabolism (noun.substance)
:cortisone, cortone acetate,
definition:a corticosteroid hormone (trade name Cortone Acetate) normally produced by the adrenal cortex; is converted to hydrocortisone (noun.substance)
:pediapred, prednisolone, prelone,
definition:a glucocorticoid (trade names Pediapred or Prelone) used to treat inflammatory conditions (noun.substance)
:deltasone, liquid pred, meticorten, orasone, prednisone,
definition:a dehydrogenated analogue of cortisol (trade names Orasone or Deltasone or Liquid Pred or Meticorten); used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of arthritis and as an immunosuppressant (noun.substance)
:decadron, dexamethasone, dexamethasone intensol, dexone, hexadrol, oradexon,
definition:a corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation (noun.substance)
:aldactone, spironolactone,
definition:a synthetic corticosteroid (trade name Aldactone) used to treat hypertension (noun.substance)
:lansoprazole, prevacid,
definition:antacid (trade name Prevacid) that suppresses acid secretion in the stomach (noun.substance)
:omeprazole, prilosec,
definition:antacid (trade name Prilosec) that suppresses acid secretion in the stomach (noun.substance)
:dopamine, dopastat, intropin,
definition:a monoamine neurotransmitter found in the brain and essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system; as a drug (trade names Dopastat and Intropin) it is used to treat shock and hypotension (noun.substance)
:flaxedil, gallamine,
definition:neuromuscular blocking agent (trade name Flaxedil) used as a muscle relaxant in the administration of anesthesia (noun.substance)
:glyceryl trinitrate, nitroglycerin, nitroglycerine, nitrospan, nitrostat, trinitroglycerin,
definition:a heavy yellow poisonous oily explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol; used in making explosives and medically as a vasodilator (trade names Nitrospan and Nitrostat) (noun.substance)
:hyaluronidase, hyazyme, spreading factor,
definition:an enzyme (trade name Hyazyme) that splits hyaluronic acid and so lowers its viscosity and increases the permeability of connective tissue and the absorption of fluids (noun.substance)
:lactaid, lactase,
definition:any of a group of enzymes (trade name Lactaid) that hydrolyze lactose to glucose and galactose (noun.substance)
:agene, nitrogen trichloride,
definition:a yellow pungent volatile oil (trade name Agene) formerly used for bleaching and aging flour (noun.substance)
:antihaemophilic factor, antihaemophilic globulin, antihemophilic factor, antihemophilic globulin, factor viii, hemofil,
definition:a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A (noun.substance)
:aristocort, aristopak, kenalog, triamcinolone,
definition:a synthetic corticosteroid (trade names Aristocort or Aristopak or Kenalog) used as an anti-inflammatory agent (noun.substance)
:acebutolol, sectral,
definition:an oral beta blocker (trade name Sectral) used in treating hypertension (noun.artifact)
:alprazolam, xanax,
definition:an antianxiety agent (trade name Xanax) of the benzodiazepine class (noun.artifact)
:ampicillin, polycillin, principen, sk-ampicillin,
definition:semisynthetic penicillin (trade names Principen and Polycillin and SK-Ampicillin) (noun.artifact)
:amrinone, inocor,
definition:a drug (trade name Inocor) used intravenously in heart failure; increases strength of contraction of myocardium (noun.artifact)
:acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, bayer, empirin, st. joseph,
definition:the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets (noun.artifact)
:cefadroxil, ultracef,
definition:a cephalosporin antibiotic (trade name Ultracef) (noun.artifact)
:cefobid, cefoperazone,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Cefobid) used for severe infections (noun.artifact)
:cefotaxime, claforan,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Claforan) used for severe infections of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:ceftazidime, fortaz, tazicef,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade names Fortaz and Tazicef) used to treat moderate infections (noun.artifact)
:ceftriaxone, rocephin,
definition:a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Rocephin) used for severe infection of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:celebrex, celecoxib,
definition:a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Celebrex) that relieves pain and inflammation without harming the digestive tract (noun.artifact)
:cephalexin, keflex, keflin, keftab,
definition:an oral cephalosporin (trade names Keflex and Keflin and Keftab) commonly prescribe for mild to moderately severe infections of the skin or ears or throat or lungs or urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:cephalosporin, mefoxin,
definition:one of several broad spectrum antibiotic substances obtained from fungi and related to penicillin (trade names Mefoxin); addition of side chains has produced semisynthetic antibiotics with greater antibacterial activity (noun.artifact)
:baycol, cerivastatin,
definition:an oral drug (trade name Baycol) to reduce blood cholesterol levels (noun.artifact)
:chlorambucil, leukeran,
definition:an alkalating agent (trade name Leukeran) used to treat some kinds of cancer (noun.artifact)
:chlordiazepoxide, libritabs, librium,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade names Librium and Libritabs) used in the treatment of alcoholism (noun.artifact)
:chlorothiazide, diuril,
definition:a diuretic drug (trade name Diuril) used in the treatment of edema and hypertension (noun.artifact)
:chlor-trimeton, chlorpheniramine maleate, coricidin,
definition:an antihistamine (trade names Coricidin and Chlor-Trimeton) (noun.artifact)
:chlorpromazine, thorazine,
definition:a drug (trade name Thorazine) derived from phenothiazine that has antipsychotic effects and is used as a sedative and tranquilizer (noun.artifact)
:aureomycin, chlortetracycline,
definition:a yellow crystalline antibiotic (trade name Aureomycin) used to treat certain bacterial and rickettsial diseases (noun.artifact)
:cimetidine, tagamet,
definition:a drug (trade name Tagamet) used to treat peptic ulcers by decreasing the secretion of stomach acid (noun.artifact)
:cipro, ciprofloxacin,
definition:an oral antibiotic (trade name Cipro) used against serious bacterial infections of the skin or respiratory tract or urinary tract or bones or joints (noun.artifact)
:atromid-s, clofibrate,
definition:a drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum; used to treat some cardiovascular diseases (noun.artifact)
:clomid, clomiphene, clomiphene citrate,
definition:a fertility drug (trade name Clomid) that is used to stimulate ovulation and that has been associated with multiple births (noun.artifact)
:catapres, clonidine,
definition:an antihypertensive (trade name Catapres) that can be administered orally or via transdermal patches (noun.artifact)
:clopidogrel bisulfate, plavix,
definition:a blood thinner (trade name Plavix) approved for the treatment of mild heart attacks; works by preventing blood platelets from sticking together to form clots that would restrict blood flow (noun.artifact)
:cyclobenzaprine, flexeril,
definition:muscle relaxant (trade name Flexeril) used for muscle spasms or acute injury (noun.artifact)
:cyproheptadine, periactin,
definition:an antihistamine (trade name Periactin) used to treat some allergic reactions (noun.artifact)
:declomycin, demeclocycline hydrochloride,
definition:tetracycline antibacterial (trade name Declomycin) effective in the treatment of some bacterial and rickettsial and other infections (noun.artifact)
:dexedrine, dextroamphetamine sulphate,
definition:an isomer of amphetamine (trade name Dexedrine) used as a central nervous system stimulant (noun.artifact)
:diazepam, valium,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions of the neurotransmitter GABA; can also be used as an anticonvulsant drug in cases of nerve agent poisoning (noun.artifact)
:diazoxide, hyperstat,
definition:vasodilator (trade name Hyperstat) used to treat severe hypertension (noun.artifact)
:cataflam, diclofenac potassium,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Cataflam) (noun.artifact)
:diclofenac sodium, voltaren,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Voltaren) that is administered only orally (noun.artifact)
:dicloxacillin, dynapen,
definition:antibacterial (trade name Dynapen) used to treat staphylococcal infections that are resistant to penicillin (noun.artifact)
:diflunisal, dolobid,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Dolobid) used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions (noun.artifact)
:digoxin, lanoxin,
definition:digitalis preparation (trade name Lanoxin) used to treat congestive heart failure or cardiac arrhythmia; helps the heart beat more forcefully (noun.artifact)
:cardizem, diltiazem,
definition:a calcium blocker (trade name Cardizem) used in treating hypertension or angina or heart failure (noun.artifact)
:dimenhydrinate, dramamine,
definition:antihistamine and antiemetic (trade name Dramamine) used to treat motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:dilantin, diphenylhydantoin, phenytoin,
definition:an anticonvulsant drug (trade name Dilantin) used to treat epilepsy and that is not a sedative (noun.artifact)
:antabuse, disulfiram,
definition:a drug (trade name Antabuse) used in the treatment of alcoholism; causes nausea and vomiting if alcohol is ingested (noun.artifact)
:enalapril, vasotec,
definition:an ACE inhibitor (trade name Vasotec) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidney and so results in vasodilation; administered after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:encainide, enkaid,
definition:antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Enkaid) used to treat life-threatening arrhythmias but increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients (noun.artifact)
:enflurane, ethrane,
definition:a nonflammable liquid (trade name Ethrane) used as an inhalation general anesthetic (noun.artifact)
:e-mycin, erythrocin, erythromycin, ethril, ilosone, pediamycin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Erythrocin or E-Mycin or Ethril or Ilosone or Pediamycin) obtained from the actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus; effective against many Gram-positive bacteria and some Gram-negative (noun.artifact)
:brevibloc, esmolol,
definition:intravenous beta blocker (trade name Brevibloc) that acts for only a short time; used primarily for cardiac arrhythmias (noun.artifact)
:estazolam, prosom,
definition:a frequently prescribed sleeping pill (trade name ProSom) (noun.artifact)
:enbrel, etanercept,
definition:a genetically engineered anti-TNF compound (trade name Enbrel) consisting of receptors that bind TNF; it is injected twice a week in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (noun.artifact)
:edecrin, ethacrynic acid,
definition:diuretic (trade name Edecrin) used to treat edema (noun.artifact)
:ethchlorvynol, placidyl,
definition:a mild sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Placidyl) (noun.artifact)
:emeside, ethosuximide, zarontin,
definition:an anticonvulsant drug (trade names Emeside and Zarontin) used to treat petit mal epilepsy (noun.artifact)
:etodolac, lodine,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Lodine) (noun.artifact)
:famotidine, pepcid,
definition:a histamine blocker (trade name Pepcid) used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis and esophageal reflux (noun.artifact)
:felt tip, felt-tip pen, felt-tipped pen, magic marker,
definition:a pen with a writing tip made of felt (trade name Magic Marker) (noun.artifact)
:fenoprofen, fenoprofen calcium, nalfon,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Nalfon) used in the treatment of arthritis and other painful inflammatory disorders (noun.artifact)
:flecainide, tambocor,
definition:oral antiarrhythmic medication (trade name Tambocor) used as a last resort in treating arrhythmias; increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients (noun.artifact)
:fluoxetine, fluoxetine hydrocholoride, prozac, sarafem,
definition:a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade names Prozac or Sarafem); it is thought to work by increasing the activity of serotonin in the brain (noun.artifact)
:dalmane, flurazepam, flurazepam hydrochloride,
definition:tranquilizer (trade name Dalmane) used to treat insomnia (noun.artifact)
:ansaid, flurbiprofen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Ansaid) that is administered only orally (noun.artifact)
:fluvastatin, lescol,
definition:least expensive statin drug (trade name Lescol); usually taken orally at bedtime (noun.artifact)
:furosemide, lasix,
definition:commonly used diuretic (trade name Lasix) used to treat hypertension and edema (noun.artifact)
:gemfibrozil, lopid,
definition:medication (trade name Lopid) used to lower the levels of triglyceride in the blood (noun.artifact)
:garamycin, gentamicin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Garamycin) that is derived from an actinomycete; used in treating infections of the urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:glipizide, glucotrol,
definition:an oral antidiabetic drug (trade name Glucotrol) that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas (noun.artifact)
:doriden, glutethimide,
definition:sedative (trade name Doriden) used to treat some sleep disorders (noun.artifact)
:diabeta, glyburide, micronase,
definition:an oral antidiabetic drug (trade names DiaBeta and Micronase) that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas (noun.artifact)
:fulvicin, griseofulvin,
definition:a kind of penicillin (a fungicidal antibiotic with the trade name Fulvicin) produced by molds of the genus Penicillium (noun.artifact)
:guanabenz, wytensin,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Wytensin) that reduces blood pressure by its effect on the central nervous system (noun.artifact)
:haldol, haloperidol,
definition:tranquilizer (trade name Haldol) used to treat some psychotic disorders and Tourette's syndrome (noun.artifact)
:esidrix, hydrochlorothiazide, hydrodiuril, microzide,
definition:a diuretic drug (trade name Microzide, Esidrix, and HydroDIURIL) used in the treatment of hypertension (noun.artifact)
:dilaudid, hydromorphone, hydromorphone hydrochloride,
definition:a narcotic analgesic (trade name Dilaudid) used to treat moderate to severe pain (noun.artifact)
:hydroxychloroquine, plaquenil,
definition:anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Plaquenil) used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and malaria and lupus erythematosus (noun.artifact)
:atarax, hydroxyzine, hydroxyzine hydrochloride, vistaril,
definition:a drug (trade names Atarax and Vistaril) used as a tranquilizer to treat anxiety and motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:advil, ibuprofen, isobutylphenyl propionic acid, motrin, nuprin,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine (trade names Advil and Motrin and Nuprin) used to relieve the pain of arthritis and as an antipyretic (noun.artifact)
:imavate, imipramine, impramine hydrochloride, tofranil,
definition:a tricyclic antidepressant (trade names Imavate and Tofranil) used to treat clinical depression (noun.artifact)
:indapamide, lozal,
definition:diuretic (trade name Lozal) used in the treatment of hypertension (noun.artifact)
:indocin, indomethacin,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Indocin) (noun.artifact)
:infliximab, remicade,
definition:an anti-TNF compound (trade name Remicade) consisting of an antibody directed against TNF; it is given intravenously at one-month to three-month intervals; used in treatment of regional enteritis and rheumatoid arthritis (noun.artifact)
:atrovent, ipratropium bromide,
definition:an inhaled bronchodilator (trade name Atrovent) (noun.artifact)
:isocarboxazid, marplan,
definition:a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (trade name Marplan) that is used to treat clinical depression (noun.artifact)
:inh, isoniazid, nydrazid,
definition:antibacterial drug (trade name Nydrazid) used to treat tuberculosis (noun.artifact)
:isoproterenol, isuprel,
definition:drug (trade name Isuprel) used to treat bronchial asthma and to stimulate the heart (noun.artifact)
:isordil, isosorbide,
definition:drug (trade name Isordil) used to treat angina pectoris and congestive heart failure (noun.artifact)
:itraconazole, sporanox,
definition:an oral antifungal drug (trade name Sporanox) taken for cases of fungal nail disease (noun.artifact)
:kanamycin, kantrex,
definition:antibiotic (trade name Kantrex) used to treat severe infections (noun.artifact)
:ketoprofen, orudis, orudis kt, oruvail,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Orudis or Orudis KT or Oruvail) (noun.artifact)
:ketorolac, torodal,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Torodal) that is given only orally (noun.artifact)
:acular, ketorolac tromethamine, toradol,
definition:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Acular and Toradol) that is administered only intramuscularly (noun.artifact)
:arava, leflunomide,
definition:an anti-TNF compound (trade name Arava) that is given orally; can slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis by slowing the proliferation of white blood cells which reduces inflammation in the synovium (noun.artifact)
:levallorphan, lorfan,
definition:drug (trade name Lorfan) that is related to morphine but that counteracts the respiratory depression produced by morphine poisoning but without affecting its analgesic effects (noun.artifact)
:lincocin, lincomycin,
definition:antibiotic (trade name Lincocin) obtained from a streptomyces bacterium and used in the treatment of certain penicillin-resistant infections (noun.artifact)
:lisinopril, prinival, zestril,
definition:an ACE inhibiting drug (trade names Prinival or Zestril) administered as an antihypertensive and after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:ativan, lorazepam,
definition:tranquilizer (trade name Ativan) used to treat anxiety and tension and insomnia (noun.artifact)
:lovastatin, mevacor,
definition:an oral drug (trade name Mevacor) to reduce blood cholesterol levels; used when dietary changes have proved inadequate (noun.artifact)
:loxapine, loxitane,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Loxitane) used to treat schizophrenia (noun.artifact)
:mannitol, osmitrol,
definition:a diuretic (trade name Osmitrol) used to promote the excretion of urine (noun.artifact)
:antivert, meclizine, meclizine hydrochloride,
definition:an antihistamine (trade name Antivert) used to treat or prevent motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:meclofenamate, meclofenamate sodium, meclomen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Meclomen) used to treat arthritis (noun.artifact)
:alkeran, melphalan,
definition:antineoplastic drug (trade name Alkeran) used to treat multiple myeloma and some other malignancies (noun.artifact)
:demerol, meperidine, meperidine hydrochloride,
definition:a synthetic narcotic drug (trade name Demerol) used to treat pain (noun.artifact)
:mephenytoin, mesantoin,
definition:a toxic anticonvulsant drug (trade name Mesantoin) used in the treatment of epilepsy when less toxic anticonvulsants have been ineffective (noun.artifact)
:mebaral, mephobarbital,
definition:a long-acting crystalline barbiturate (trade name Mebaral) used as a sedative and as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy (noun.artifact)
:equanil, meprin, meprobamate, miltown,
definition:a sedative and tranquilizer (trade name Miltown and Equanil and Meprin) used to treat muscle tension and anxiety (noun.artifact)
:mercaptopurine, purinethol,
definition:a drug (trade name Purinethol) that interferes with the metabolism of purine and is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia (noun.artifact)
:alupent, metaproterenol,
definition:a bronchodilator (trade name Alupent) used to treat asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects include tachycardia and shakiness (noun.artifact)
:glucophage, metformin,
definition:an antidiabetic drug (trade name Glucophage) prescribed to treat type II diabetes (noun.artifact)
:methaqualone, quaalude,
definition:sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Quaalude) that is a drug of abuse (noun.artifact)
:gemonil, metharbital,
definition:anticonvulsant drug (trade name Gemonil) used in the treatment of epilepsy (noun.artifact)
:mandelamine, methenamine, urex,
definition:antibacterial agent (trade names Mandelamine and Urex) that is contained in many products that are used to treat urinary infections (noun.artifact)
:methocarbamol, robaxin,
definition:muscle relaxant for skeletal muscles (trade name Robaxin) used to treat spasms (noun.artifact)
:aldomet, alpha methyl dopa, methyldopa,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Aldomet) used in the treatment of high blood pressure (noun.artifact)
:methylphenidate, ritalin,
definition:central nervous system stimulant (trade name Ritalin) used in the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and attention deficit disorder in children (noun.artifact)
:flagyl, metronidazole,
definition:antiprotozoal medication (trade name Flagyl) used to treat trichomoniasis and giardiasis (noun.artifact)
:mexiletine, mexitil,
definition:antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Mexitil) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias (noun.artifact)
:miconazole, monistat,
definition:an antifungal agent usually administered in the form of a nitrate (trade name Monistat) (noun.artifact)
:midazolam, versed,
definition:an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation and for reducing pain during uncomfortable medical procedures (noun.artifact)
:argyrol, mild silver protein,
definition:antiseptic consisting of a compound of protein and silver (trade name Argyrol) (noun.artifact)
:minocin, minocycline,
definition:tetracycline antibiotic (trade name Minocin) used to treat a variety of bacterial and rickettsial infections (noun.artifact)
:mithracin, mithramycin,
definition:an antineoplastic drug (trade name Mithracin) used to treat cancer of the testes (noun.artifact)
:mitomycin, mutamycin,
definition:a complex of antibiotic substances obtained from a streptomyces bacterium; one form (trade name Mutamycin) shows promise as an anticancer drug (noun.artifact)
:moban, molindone,
definition:antipsychotic drug (trade name Moban) used in the treatment of schizophrenia (noun.artifact)
:nabumetone, relafen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Relafen) (noun.artifact)
:corgard, nadolol,
definition:a beta-adrenergic blocking agent (trade name Corgard) that is used to treat hypertension and angina (noun.artifact)
:naloxone, narcan,
definition:a potent narcotic antagonist (trade name Narcan) especially effective with morphine (noun.artifact)
:naphazoline, privine, sudafed,
definition:vasoconstrictor (trade names Privine and Sudafed) used in nasal sprays to treat symptoms of nasal congestion and in eyedrops to treat eye irritation (noun.artifact)
:naprosyn, naproxen,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Naprosyn) used in the treatment of arthritis and musculoskeletal inflammation and moderate pain (noun.artifact)
:nefazodone, serzone,
definition:an antidepressant drug (trade name Serzone) (noun.artifact)
:fradicin, neobiotic, neomycin,
definition:an antibiotic obtained from an actinomycete and used (as a sulphate under the trade name Neobiotic) as an intestinal antiseptic in surgery (noun.artifact)
:neostigmine, prostigmin,
definition:a cholinergic drug (trade name Prostigmin) used to treat some ophthalmic conditions and to treat myasthenia gravis (noun.artifact)
:nifedipine, procardia,
definition:calcium blocker (trade name Procardia); appears to increase the risk of recurrent heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:macrodantin, nitrofurantoin,
definition:derivative of nitrofuran used as an antibacterial medicine (trade name Macrodantin) effective against a broad range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; used to treat infections of the urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:nortriptyline, pamelor,
definition:a tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Pamelor) used along with psychotherapy to treat dysthymic depression; may interact dangerously if taken with other drugs (noun.artifact)
:mycostatin, nystan, nystatin,
definition:an antifungal and antibiotic (trade names Mycostatin and Nystan) discovered in New York State; derived from soil fungi actinomycetes (noun.artifact)
:norflex, orphenadrine,
definition:a skeletal muscle relaxant (trade name Norflex) used to treat severe muscle strain and Parkinsonism (noun.artifact)
:daypro, oxaprozin,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Daypro) (noun.artifact)
:oxazepam, serax,
definition:a tranquilizing drug (trade name Serax) used to treat anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal (noun.artifact)
:oxyphenbutazone, tandearil,
definition:an anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Tandearil) used to treat arthritis and bursitis (noun.artifact)
:daricon, oxyphencyclimine,
definition:an anticholinergic drug (trade name Daricon) used in treating peptic ulcers (noun.artifact)
:kavrin, papaverine,
definition:an alkaloid medicine (trade name Kavrin) obtained from opium; used to relax smooth muscles; it is nonaddictive (noun.artifact)
:paroxetime, paxil,
definition:a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Paxil) (noun.artifact)
:cuprimine, penicillamine,
definition:a drug (trade name Cuprimine) used to treat heavy metal poisoning and Wilson's disease and severe arthritis (noun.artifact)
:ledercillin vk, penicillin v potassium,
definition:a form of penicillin V (trade name Ledercillin VK) (noun.artifact)
:pentaerythritol, peritrate,
definition:a coronary vasodilator (trade name Peritrate) used to treat angina pectoris (noun.artifact)
:pentazocine, talwin,
definition:analgesic drug (trade name Talwin) that is less addictive than morphine (noun.artifact)
:nembutal, pentobarbital, pentobarbital sodium, yellow jacket,
definition:a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and antispasmodic (noun.artifact)
:pentoxifylline, trental,
definition:a drug (trade name Trental) used to treat claudication; believed to increase the flexibility of red blood cells so they can flow through the blood vessels to the legs and feet (noun.artifact)
:perphenazine, triavil,
definition:tranquilizer and antidepressant (trade name Triavil) sometimes used as an antiemetic for adults (noun.artifact)
:phenazopyridine, pyridium,
definition:analgesic (trade name Pyridium) used to treat urinary tract infections (noun.artifact)
:nardil, phenelzine,
definition:monoamine oxidase inhibitor (trade name Nardil) used to treat clinical depression (noun.artifact)
:milontin, phensuximide,
definition:anticonvulsant (trade name Milontin) used to treat petit mal (noun.artifact)
:phentolamine, vasomax,
definition:a virility drug (trade name Vasomax) to treat erectile dysfunction in men (noun.artifact)
:butazolidin, phenylbutazone,
definition:anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Butazolidin) (noun.artifact)
:pindolol, visken,
definition:an oral beta blocker (trade name Visken) used in treating hypertension (noun.artifact)
:piperacillin, pipracil,
definition:a synthetic type of penicillin antibiotic (trade name Pipracil) used for moderate to severe infections (noun.artifact)
:feldene, piroxicam,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Feldene) used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions (noun.artifact)
:pneumococcal vaccine, pneumovax,
definition:vaccine (trade name Pneumovax) effective against the 23 most common strains of pneumococcus (noun.artifact)
:polaroid camera, polaroid land camera,
definition:a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds (noun.artifact)
:acrilan, polypropenonitrile,
definition:acrylic resin used to make a strong soft crease-resistant fabric (trade name Acrilan) (noun.artifact)
:pravachol, pravastatin,
definition:an oral drug (trade name Pravachol) administered to reduce blood cholesterol levels; recommended after nonfatal heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:minipress, prazosin,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Minipress) (noun.artifact)
:mysoline, primidone,
definition:an anticonvulsant (trade name Mysoline) used to treat grand mal seizures and essential tremor (noun.artifact)
:ethocaine, procaine,
definition:a white crystalline powder (trade name Ethocaine) administered near nerves as a local anesthetic in dentistry and medicine (noun.artifact)
:novocain, novocaine, procaine hydrochloride,
definition:procaine administered as a hydrochloride (trade name Novocain) (noun.artifact)
:kemadrin, procyclidine,
definition:drug (trade name Kemadrin) used to reduce tremors in Parkinsonism (noun.artifact)
:phenergan, promethazine,
definition:antihistamine (trade name Phenergan) used to treat allergies; also an antiemetic used to treat motion sickness (noun.artifact)
:inderal, propanolol,
definition:the first beta blocker (trade name Inderal) used in treating hypertension and angina pectoris and essential tremor (noun.artifact)
:darvon, propoxyphene, propoxyphene hydrochloride,
definition:a mildly narcotic analgesic drug (trade name Darvon) related to methadone but less addictive (noun.artifact)
:atabrine, mepacrine, quinacrine, quinacrine hydrochloride,
definition:a drug (trade name Atabrine) used to treat certain worm infestations and once used to treat malaria (noun.artifact)
:quinidex, quinidine, quinora,
definition:cardiac drug (trade names Quinidex and Quinora) used to treat certain heart arrhythmias (noun.artifact)
:altace, ramipril,
definition:an ACE inhibitor (trade name Altace) used to treat high blood pressure or in some patients who have had a heart attack (noun.artifact)
:ranitidine, zantac,
definition:a histamine blocker and antacid (trade name Zantac) used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis and esophageal reflux (noun.artifact)
:rau-sed, raudixin, reserpine, sandril, serpasil,
definition:antihypertensive consisting of an alkaloid extracted from the plant Rauwolfia serpentina (trade names Raudixin or Rau-Sed or Sandril or Serpasil) (noun.artifact)
:ribavirin, virazole,
definition:an inhaled antiviral agent (trade name Virazole) that may be used to treat serious virus infections (noun.artifact)
:rifadin, rifampin, rimactane,
definition:an antibacterial drug (trade names Rifadin and Rimactane) used to treat tuberculosis (noun.artifact)
:rofecoxib, vioxx,
definition:a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Vioxx) that relieves pain and inflammation without harming the digestive tract; voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 2004 (noun.artifact)
:kotex, sanitary napkin, sanitary towel,
definition:a disposable absorbent pad (trade name Kotex); worn to absorb menstrual flow (noun.artifact)
:cling film, clingfilm, saran wrap,
definition:a thin plastic film made of saran (trade name Saran Wrap) that sticks to itself; used for wrapping food (noun.artifact)
:red devil, secobarbital, secobarbital sodium, seconal,
definition:barbiturate that is a white odorless slightly bitter powder (trade name Seconal) used as a sodium salt for sedation and to treat convulsions (noun.artifact)
:sertraline, zoloft,
definition:a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Zoloft) (noun.artifact)
:sildenafil, sildenafil citrate, viagra,
definition:virility drug (trade name Viagra) used to treat erectile dysfunction in men (noun.artifact)
:simvastatin, zocor,
definition:an oral lipid-lowering medicine (trade name Zocor) administered to reduce blood cholesterol levels; recommended after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:carafate, sucralfate,
definition:medicine consisting of a tablet (trade name Carafate) used to treat peptic ulcers; said to bind to the ulcer site and coat it (noun.artifact)
:sulamyd, sulfacetamide,
definition:a topical sulfonamide (trade name Sulamyd) used to treat eye infections (noun.artifact)
:gantrisin, sulfisoxazole,
definition:a sulfonamide (trade name Gantrisin) used to treat infections of the urinary tract (noun.artifact)
:clinoril, sulindac,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Clinoril) (noun.artifact)
:cialis, tadalafil,
definition:virility drug (trade name Cialis) used to treat erectile dysfunction in men (noun.artifact)
:restoril, temazepam,
definition:a frequently prescribed benzodiazepine (trade name Restoril); takes effect slowly and lasts long enough to help those people who wake up frequently during the night (noun.artifact)
:hytrin, terazosin,
definition:antihypertensive drug (trade name Hytrin) used to treat high blood pressure (noun.artifact)
:lamisil, terbinafine,
definition:an oral antifungal drug (trade name Lamisil) used to treat cases of fungal nail disease (noun.artifact)
:achromycin, tetracycline,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Achromycin) derived from microorganisms of the genus Streptomyces and used broadly to treat infections (noun.artifact)
:elixophyllin, slo-bid, theobid, theophylline,
definition:a colorless crystalline alkaloid derived from tea leaves or made synthetically; used in medicine as a bronchial dilator (noun.artifact)
:merthiolate, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, thimerosal,
definition:a light-colored crystalline powder (trade name Merthiolate) used as a surgical antiseptic (noun.artifact)
:pentothal, thiopental, thiopental sodium, thiopentobarbital sodium,
definition:barbiturate that is a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong barbiturate that acts rapidly; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic (noun.artifact)
:mellaril, thioridazine,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Mellaril) used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (noun.artifact)
:navane, thiothixene,
definition:a tranquilizer (trade name Navane) used to treat schizophrenia (noun.artifact)
:blocadren, timolol,
definition:a beta blocker (trade name Blocadren) administered after heart attacks (noun.artifact)
:activase, tissue plasminogen activator,
definition:a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction (noun.artifact)
:nebcin, tobramycin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Nebcin) that is especially effective against Gram-negative bacteria (noun.artifact)
:tocainide, tonocard,
definition:antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Tonocard) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias when less dangerous drugs have failed (noun.artifact)
:tolazamide, tolinase,
definition:a drug (trade name Tolinase) used in treating stable adult-onset diabetes mellitus (noun.artifact)
:orinase, tolbutamide,
definition:sulfonylurea; an oral antidiabetic drug (trade name Orinase) used in the treatment of adult-onset diabetes mellitus (noun.artifact)
:tolectin, tolmetin sodium,
definition:a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Tolectin) (noun.artifact)
:mavik, trandolapril,
definition:an ACE inhibiting drug (trade name Mavik) used in some patients after a heart attack or to treat hypertension (noun.artifact)
:desyrel, trazodone, trazodone hydrochloride,
definition:oral antidepressant (trade name Desyrel) that is a nontricyclic drug used as a sedative (noun.artifact)
:halcion, triazolam,
definition:a form of benzodiazepine (trade name Halcion) frequently prescribed as a sleeping pill; usually given to people who have trouble falling asleep (noun.artifact)
:naqua, trichlormethiazide,
definition:diuretic drug (trade name Naqua) used to treat hypertension (noun.artifact)
:depokene, valproic acid,
definition:anticonvulsant (trade name Depokene) used to prevent some kinds of seizures (noun.artifact)
:vancocin, vancomycin,
definition:an antibiotic (trade name Vancocin) effective against some bacterial infections (noun.artifact)
:calan, isoptin, verapamil,
definition:a drug (trade names Calan and Isoptin) used as an oral or parenteral calcium blocker in cases of hypertension or congestive heart failure or angina or migraine (noun.artifact)
:velban, vinblastine,
definition:periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Velban) that disrupts cell division (noun.artifact)
:oncovin, vincristine,
definition:periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Oncovin); used to treat cancer of the lymphatic system (noun.artifact)
:walker, zimmer, zimmer frame,
definition:a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps invalids or the handicapped or the aged to walk (noun.artifact)
:coumadin, warfarin,
definition:an anticoagulant (trade name Coumadin) use to prevent and treat a thrombus or embolus (noun.artifact)
definition:the trademark for a machine that smooths the ice in an ice-skating rink (noun.artifact)
:adrenalin, adrenaline, epinephrin, epinephrine,
definition:a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action (noun.body)
:humulin, recombinant human insulin,
definition:a form of insulin (trade name Humulin) made from recombinant DNA that is identical to human insulin; used to treat diabetics who are allergic to preparations made from beef or pork insulin (noun.body)
:oxytocin, pitocin,
definition:hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitocin); stimulates contractions of the uterus and ejection of milk (noun.body)
:adh, antidiuretic hormone, pitressin, vasopressin,
definition:hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also by nerve endings in the hypothalamus; affects blood pressure by stimulating capillary muscles and reduces urine flow by affecting reabsorption of water by kidney tubules (noun.body)
:bendopa, brocadopa, l-dopa, larodopa, levodopa,
definition:the levorotatory form of dopa (trade names Bendopa and Brocadopa and Larodopa); as a drug it is used to treat Parkinson's disease (noun.substance)
:ergonovine, ergotrate maleate,
definition:an alkaloid derived from ergot (trade name Ergotrate Maleate) that is less toxic than ergot; induces muscular contraction of the uterus and is administered after childbirth or abortion (noun.substance)
:lipo-lutin, progesterone,
definition:a steroid hormone (trade name Lipo-Lutin) produced in the ovary; prepares and maintains the uterus for pregnancy (noun.substance)
:norethandrolone, norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, norlutin,
definition:a synthetic progestational hormone (trade name Norlutin) used in oral contraceptives and to treat endometriosis (noun.substance)
:medroxyprogesterone, provera,
definition:a progestin compound (trade name Provera) used to treat menstrual disorders (noun.substance)
:durabolin, kabolin, nandrolone,
definition:an androgen (trade names Durabolin or Kabolin) that is used to treat testosterone deficiency or breast cancer or osteoporosis (noun.substance)
:estrone, estronol, oestrone, theelin,
definition:a naturally occurring weak estrogenic hormone secreted by the mammalian ovary; synthesized (trade name Estronol) and used to treat estrogen deficiency (noun.substance)
:cortef, cortisol, hydrocortisone, hydrocortone,
definition:an adrenal-cortex hormone (trade names Hydrocortone or Cortef) that is active in carbohydrate and protein metabolism (noun.substance)
:cortisone, cortone acetate,
definition:a corticosteroid hormone (trade name Cortone Acetate) normally produced by the adrenal cortex; is converted to hydrocortisone (noun.substance)
:pediapred, prednisolone, prelone,
definition:a glucocorticoid (trade names Pediapred or Prelone) used to treat inflammatory conditions (noun.substance)
:deltasone, liquid pred, meticorten, orasone, prednisone,
definition:a dehydrogenated analogue of cortisol (trade names Orasone or Deltasone or Liquid Pred or Meticorten); used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of arthritis and as an immunosuppressant (noun.substance)
:decadron, dexamethasone, dexamethasone intensol, dexone, hexadrol, oradexon,
definition:a corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation (noun.substance)
:aldactone, spironolactone,
definition:a synthetic corticosteroid (trade name Aldactone) used to treat hypertension (noun.substance)
:lansoprazole, prevacid,
definition:antacid (trade name Prevacid) that suppresses acid secretion in the stomach (noun.substance)
:omeprazole, prilosec,
definition:antacid (trade name Prilosec) that suppresses acid secretion in the stomach (noun.substance)
:dopamine, dopastat, intropin,
definition:a monoamine neurotransmitter found in the brain and essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system; as a drug (trade names Dopastat and Intropin) it is used to treat shock and hypotension (noun.substance)
:flaxedil, gallamine,
definition:neuromuscular blocking agent (trade name Flaxedil) used as a muscle relaxant in the administration of anesthesia (noun.substance)
:glyceryl trinitrate, nitroglycerin, nitroglycerine, nitrospan, nitrostat, trinitroglycerin,
definition:a heavy yellow poisonous oily explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol; used in making explosives and medically as a vasodilator (trade names Nitrospan and Nitrostat) (noun.substance)
:hyaluronidase, hyazyme, spreading factor,
definition:an enzyme (trade name Hyazyme) that splits hyaluronic acid and so lowers its viscosity and increases the permeability of connective tissue and the absorption of fluids (noun.substance)
:lactaid, lactase,
definition:any of a group of enzymes (trade name Lactaid) that hydrolyze lactose to glucose and galactose (noun.substance)
:agene, nitrogen trichloride,
definition:a yellow pungent volatile oil (trade name Agene) formerly used for bleaching and aging flour (noun.substance)
:antihaemophilic factor, antihaemophilic globulin, antihemophilic factor, antihemophilic globulin, factor viii, hemofil,
definition:a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A (noun.substance)
:aristocort, aristopak, kenalog, triamcinolone,
definition:a synthetic corticosteroid (trade names Aristocort or Aristopak or Kenalog) used as an anti-inflammatory agent (noun.substance)

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