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1. the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion (noun.feeling)
definition:the experiencing of affective and emotional states (noun.tops)
2. act physically on; have an effect upon (verb.body)
:alter, change, modify,
definition:cause to change; make different; cause a transformation (verb.change)
definition:begin to injure (verb.body)
definition:affect with an ulcer (verb.body)
:calm, sedate, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize,
definition:cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to (verb.body)
:arouse, brace, energise, energize, perk up, stimulate,
definition:cause to be alert and energetic (verb.body)
:strain, tense, tense up,
definition:cause to be tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious (verb.body)
:loosen up, make relaxed, relax, unlax, unstrain, unwind,
definition:cause to feel relaxed (verb.body)
definition:affect with or as if with a cramp (verb.body)
definition:affect with, or as if with, jaundice (verb.body)
definition:enter into someone's consciousness (verb.cognition)
:inebriate, intoxicate, soak,
definition:make drunk (with alcoholic drinks) (verb.consumption)
3. have an effect upon (verb.change)
:alter, change, modify,
definition:cause to change; make different; cause a transformation (verb.change)
:strike a blow,
definition:affect adversely (verb.change)
definition:cause repercussions; have an unwanted effect (verb.change)
:tell on,
definition:produce an effect or strain on somebody (verb.change)
definition:have an effect for good or ill (verb.change)
:excite, stimulate,
definition:act as a stimulant (verb.change)
:process, treat,
definition:subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition (verb.change)
:hydrolise, hydrolize,
definition:make a compound react with water and undergo hydrolysis (verb.change)
:color, colour, distort, tinge,
definition:affect as in thought or feeling (verb.communication)
:endanger, expose, peril, queer, scupper,
definition:put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position (verb.communication)
:hit, strike,
definition:affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely (
definition:cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to (verb.perception)
:bother, discommode, disoblige, incommode, inconvenience, put out, trouble,
definition:to cause inconvenience or discomfort to (
:act upon, influence, work,
definition:have and exert influence or effect (
definition:make a forceful move against (
4. make believe with the intent to deceive (verb.communication)
:belie, misrepresent,
definition:represent falsely (verb.communication)
:play possum,
definition:to pretend to be dead (verb.communication)
:take a dive,
definition:pretend to be knocked out, as of a boxer (verb.communication)
:bull, bullshit, fake, talk through one's hat,
definition:speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths (verb.communication)
definition:articulate silently; form words with the lips only (verb.communication)
:make, make believe, pretend,
definition:represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like (verb.communication)
5. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon (verb.emotion)
definition:affect in a contagious way (verb.cognition)
definition:cause to be surprised (verb.cognition)
:impress, ingrain, instill,
definition:produce or try to produce a vivid impression of (verb.cognition)
definition:make aware (verb.cognition)
definition:impress or affect deeply (verb.emotion)
:strike dumb,
definition:render speechless, as by surprising or shocking (verb.emotion)
definition:strike suddenly and with force (verb.emotion)
definition:affect in a disagreeable way (verb.emotion)
:hit home, strike a chord, strike a note, strike home,
definition:refer to or be relevant or familiar to (verb.emotion)
definition:affect suddenly with deep feeling (verb.emotion)
definition:make gloomy or depressed (verb.emotion)
definition:move or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply (verb.emotion)
definition:impress positively (verb.emotion)
:sweep away, sweep off,
definition:overwhelm emotionally (verb.emotion)
:disturb, trouble, upset,
definition:move deeply (verb.emotion)
:stir, touch,
definition:affect emotionally (verb.emotion)
definition:arouse sympathy or compassion in (verb.emotion)
definition:make unhappy (verb.emotion)
definition:make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated (verb.emotion)
:experience, feel,
definition:undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind (verb.emotion)
:actuate, incite, motivate, move, prompt, propel,
definition:give an incentive for action (verb.creation)
:come to, hit, strike,
definition:cause to experience suddenly (verb.perception)
6. connect closely and often incriminatingly (verb.stative)
:bear on, come to, concern, have-to doe with, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on,
definition:be relevant to (verb.stative)
definition:bring into intimate and incriminating connection (verb.stative)
7. the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion (noun.feeling)
:affect, impress, move, strike,
definition:have an emotional or cognitive impact upon (verb.emotion)
:affectional, affective, emotive,
definition:characterized by emotion (adj.all)
8. have an effect upon (verb.change)
:encroachment, impact, impingement,
definition:influencing strongly (noun.act)
:impact, wallop,
definition:a forceful consequence; a strong effect (noun.phenomenon)
9. make believe with the intent to deceive (verb.communication)
:feigning, pretence, pretending, pretense, simulation,
definition:the act of giving a false appearance (noun.act)
:fake, postiche, sham,
definition:something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be (noun.artifact)
:dissembling, feigning, pretence, pretense,
definition:pretending with intention to deceive (noun.communication)
:dissembler, dissimulator, hypocrite, phoney, phony, pretender,
definition:a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives (noun.person)
:fake, faker, fraud, imposter, impostor, pretender, pseud, pseudo, role player, sham, shammer,
definition:a person who makes deceitful pretenses (noun.person)
:malingerer, shammer, skulker,
definition:someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity (noun.person)
10. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon (verb.emotion)
definition:the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion (noun.feeling)
:impressive, telling,
definition:producing a strong effect (adj.all)
:affectional, affective, emotive,
definition:characterized by emotion (adj.all)
definition:making a strong or vivid impression (adj.all)
:impressible, impressionable, waxy,
definition:easily impressed or influenced (adj.all)
11. connect closely and often incriminatingly (verb.stative)
:regard, respect,
definition:(usually preceded by `in') a detail or point (noun.cognition)
definition:a connection of inclusion or containment (noun.linkdef)
12. the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion (noun.feeling)
:affect, impress, move, strike,
definition:have an emotional or cognitive impact upon (verb.emotion)
:affectional, affective, emotive,
definition:characterized by emotion (adj.all)
13. have an effect upon (verb.change)
:encroachment, impact, impingement,
definition:influencing strongly (noun.act)
:impact, wallop,
definition:a forceful consequence; a strong effect (noun.phenomenon)
14. make believe with the intent to deceive (verb.communication)
:feigning, pretence, pretending, pretense, simulation,
definition:the act of giving a false appearance (noun.act)
:fake, postiche, sham,
definition:something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be (noun.artifact)
:dissembling, feigning, pretence, pretense,
definition:pretending with intention to deceive (noun.communication)
:dissembler, dissimulator, hypocrite, phoney, phony, pretender,
definition:a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives (noun.person)
:fake, faker, fraud, imposter, impostor, pretender, pseud, pseudo, role player, sham, shammer,
definition:a person who makes deceitful pretenses (noun.person)
:malingerer, shammer, skulker,
definition:someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity (noun.person)
15. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon (verb.emotion)
definition:the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion (noun.feeling)
:impressive, telling,
definition:producing a strong effect (adj.all)
:affectional, affective, emotive,
definition:characterized by emotion (adj.all)
definition:making a strong or vivid impression (adj.all)
:impressible, impressionable, waxy,
definition:easily impressed or influenced (adj.all)
16. connect closely and often incriminatingly (verb.stative)
:regard, respect,
definition:(usually preceded by `in') a detail or point (noun.cognition)
definition:a connection of inclusion or containment (noun.linkdef)

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