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1. a boisterous practical joke (especially by college students) (noun.act)
:practical joke,
definition:a prank or trick played on a person (especially one intended to make the victim appear foolish) (noun.act)
:britain, great britain, u.k., uk, united kingdom, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland,
definition:a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom (noun.location)
2. a small piece of cloth or paper (noun.artifact)
:piece of cloth, piece of material,
definition:a separate part consisting of fabric (noun.artifact)
:pine-tar rag,
definition:baseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip (noun.artifact)
3. newspaper with half-size pages (noun.communication)
:newspaper, paper,
definition:a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements (noun.communication)
4. music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano) (noun.communication)
:dance music,
definition:music to dance to (noun.communication)
5. a week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of floats are organized to raise money for charities (noun.time)
:hebdomad, week,
definition:any period of seven consecutive days (noun.time)
:rag day,
definition:a day on which university students hold a rag (noun.time)
:britain, great britain, u.k., uk, united kingdom, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland,
definition:a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom (noun.location)
6. break into lumps before sorting (verb.change)
:break up, fragment, fragmentise, fragmentize,
definition:break or cause to break into pieces (verb.change)
:excavation, mining,
definition:the act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth (noun.act)
7. censure severely or angrily (verb.communication)
:criticise, criticize, knock, pick apart,
definition:find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws (verb.communication)
:castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, objurgate,
definition:censure severely (verb.communication)
:brush down, tell off,
definition:reprimand (verb.communication)
8. harass with persistent criticism or carping (verb.communication)
:bemock, mock,
definition:treat with contempt (verb.communication)
:barrack, flout, gibe, jeer, scoff,
definition:laugh at with contempt and derision (verb.communication)
:banter, chaff, jolly, josh, kid,
definition:be silly or tease one another (verb.communication)
9. play in ragtime (verb.creation)
:play, spiel,
definition:replay (as a melody) (verb.creation)
definition:musical activity (singing or whistling etc.) (noun.act)
definition:an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner (noun.communication)
10. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations (verb.emotion)
definition:give displeasure to (verb.emotion)
:get, get under one's skin,
definition:irritate (verb.emotion)
:eat into, fret, grate, rankle,
definition:gnaw into; make resentful or angry (verb.emotion)
definition:cause to be annoyed, irritated, or resentful (verb.emotion)
definition:trouble or vex (verb.emotion)
definition:cause annoyance in (verb.emotion)
:beset, chevvy, chevy, chivvy, chivy, harass, harry, hassle, molest, plague, provoke,
definition:annoy continually or chronically (verb.emotion)
:antagonise, antagonize,
definition:provoke the hostility of (verb.emotion)
definition:feel extreme irritation or anger (verb.emotion)
11. treat cruelly (verb.emotion)
:beset, chevvy, chevy, chivvy, chivy, harass, harry, hassle, molest, plague, provoke,
definition:annoy continually or chronically (verb.emotion)
definition:drive up the wall; go on someone's nerves (verb.emotion)
definition:make ineffective or powerless (verb.emotion)
:badger, beleaguer, bug, pester, tease,
definition:annoy persistently (verb.emotion)
:oppress, persecute,
definition:cause to suffer (
12. a small piece of cloth or paper (noun.artifact)
:rip up, shred, tear up,
definition:tear into shreds (
13. music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano) (noun.communication)
definition:play in ragtime (verb.creation)
14. censure severely or angrily (verb.communication)
:rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproof, reproval,
definition:an act or expression of criticism and censure (noun.communication)
:chiding, objurgation, scolding, tongue-lashing,
definition:rebuking a person harshly (noun.communication)
:lecture, speech, talking to,
definition:a lengthy rebuke (noun.communication)
:common scold, nag, nagger, scold, scolder,
definition:someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault (noun.person)
:rebuker, reproacher, reprover, upbraider,
definition:someone who finds fault or imputes blame (noun.person)
15. harass with persistent criticism or carping (verb.communication)
:ribbing, tantalization, tease, teasing,
definition:the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances (noun.act)
:taunt, taunting, twit,
definition:aggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing (noun.act)
:bird, boo, bronx cheer, hiss, hoot, raspberry, razz, razzing, snort,
definition:a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt (noun.communication)
definition:(Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus; condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink and beneath fruit that receded when he reached for it (noun.person)
:tantaliser, tantalizer,
definition:someone who tantalizes; a tormentor who offers something desirable but keeps it just out of reach (noun.person)
:annoyer, tease, teaser, vexer,
definition:someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity) (noun.person)
16. play in ragtime (verb.creation)
:rag, ragtime,
definition:music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano) (noun.communication)
17. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations (verb.emotion)
:annoyance, annoying, irritation, vexation,
definition:the act of troubling or annoying someone (noun.act)
:devilment, devilry, deviltry, mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan,
definition:reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others (noun.act)
:aggravation, irritation, provocation,
definition:unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment (noun.act)
:annoyance, bother, botheration, infliction, pain, pain in the ass, pain in the neck,
definition:something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness (noun.cognition)
:irritant, thorn,
definition:something that causes irritation and annoyance (noun.cognition)
:irritation, pique, temper,
definition:a sudden outburst of anger (noun.feeling)
:annoyer, tease, teaser, vexer,
definition:someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity) (noun.person)
:annoyance, botheration, irritation, vexation,
definition:the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed (noun.state)
18. treat cruelly (verb.emotion)
:crucifixion, excruciation,
definition:the infliction of extremely painful punishment or suffering (noun.act)
:badgering, bedevilment, torment, worrying,
definition:the act of harassing someone (noun.act)
definition:a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized (noun.feeling)
:harassment, torment,
definition:a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented (noun.feeling)
:persecutor, tormenter, tormentor,
definition:someone who torments (noun.person)
19. a small piece of cloth or paper (noun.artifact)
:rip up, shred, tear up,
definition:tear into shreds (
20. music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano) (noun.communication)
definition:play in ragtime (verb.creation)
21. censure severely or angrily (verb.communication)
:rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproof, reproval,
definition:an act or expression of criticism and censure (noun.communication)
:chiding, objurgation, scolding, tongue-lashing,
definition:rebuking a person harshly (noun.communication)
:lecture, speech, talking to,
definition:a lengthy rebuke (noun.communication)
:common scold, nag, nagger, scold, scolder,
definition:someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault (noun.person)
:rebuker, reproacher, reprover, upbraider,
definition:someone who finds fault or imputes blame (noun.person)
22. harass with persistent criticism or carping (verb.communication)
:ribbing, tantalization, tease, teasing,
definition:the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances (noun.act)
:taunt, taunting, twit,
definition:aggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing (noun.act)
:bird, boo, bronx cheer, hiss, hoot, raspberry, razz, razzing, snort,
definition:a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt (noun.communication)
definition:(Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus; condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink and beneath fruit that receded when he reached for it (noun.person)
:tantaliser, tantalizer,
definition:someone who tantalizes; a tormentor who offers something desirable but keeps it just out of reach (noun.person)
:annoyer, tease, teaser, vexer,
definition:someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity) (noun.person)
23. play in ragtime (verb.creation)
:rag, ragtime,
definition:music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano) (noun.communication)
24. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations (verb.emotion)
:annoyance, annoying, irritation, vexation,
definition:the act of troubling or annoying someone (noun.act)
:devilment, devilry, deviltry, mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan,
definition:reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others (noun.act)
:aggravation, irritation, provocation,
definition:unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment (noun.act)
:annoyance, bother, botheration, infliction, pain, pain in the ass, pain in the neck,
definition:something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness (noun.cognition)
:irritant, thorn,
definition:something that causes irritation and annoyance (noun.cognition)
:irritation, pique, temper,
definition:a sudden outburst of anger (noun.feeling)
:annoyer, tease, teaser, vexer,
definition:someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity) (noun.person)
:annoyance, botheration, irritation, vexation,
definition:the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed (noun.state)
25. treat cruelly (verb.emotion)
:crucifixion, excruciation,
definition:the infliction of extremely painful punishment or suffering (noun.act)
:badgering, bedevilment, torment, worrying,
definition:the act of harassing someone (noun.act)
definition:a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized (noun.feeling)
:harassment, torment,
definition:a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented (noun.feeling)
:persecutor, tormenter, tormentor,
definition:someone who torments (noun.person)

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