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magnoliid dicot genus

English Thesaurus

1. genus of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms (noun.plant)
:dicot genus, magnoliopsid genus,
definition:genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination (noun.plant)
:annona, genus annona,
definition:type genus of the Annonaceae; tropical American trees or shrubs (noun.plant)
:asimina, genus asimina,
definition:pawpaw (noun.plant)
:cananga, canangium, genus cananga, genus canangium,
definition:a genus of Malayan tree (noun.plant)
:genus oxandra, oxandra,
definition:genus of tropical trees (noun.plant)
:genus xylopia, xylopia,
definition:tropical evergreen trees or shrubs; chiefly African (noun.plant)
:berberis, genus berberis,
definition:large genus of shrubs of temperate zones of New and Old Worlds (noun.plant)
:caulophyllum, genus caulophyllum,
definition:blue cohosh (noun.plant)
:epimedium, genus epimedium,
definition:herbaceous perennials of Mediterranean to India and eastern Asia (noun.plant)
:genus mahonia, mahonia,
definition:evergreen shrubs and small trees of North and Central America and Asia (noun.plant)
:genus podophyllum, podophyllum,
definition:perennial rhizomatous herbs (noun.plant)
:calycanthus, genus calycanthus,
definition:a magnoliid dicot genus of the family Calycanthaceae including: allspice (noun.plant)
:chimonanthus, genus chimonanthus,
definition:small genus of Asian deciduous or evergreen shrubs having fragrant flowers: winter sweet (noun.plant)
:ceratophyllum, genus ceratophyllum,
definition:constituting the family Ceratophyllaceae: hornworts (noun.plant)
:cercidiphyllum, genus cercidiphyllum,
definition:one species: katsura tree (noun.plant)
:genus lardizabala, lardizabala,
definition:evergreen monoecious climbers of South America having dark mauve-blue edible berries (noun.plant)
:genus laurus, laurus,
definition:small evergreen trees or shrubs with aromatic leaves (noun.plant)
:cinnamomum, genus cinnamomum,
definition:Asiatic and Australian aromatic trees and shrubs (noun.plant)
:genus lindera, lindera,
definition:aromatic evergreen or deciduous dioecious shrubs or trees of eastern Asia and North America (noun.plant)
:benzoin, genus benzoin,
definition:used in some classifications for the American spicebush and certain other plants often included in the genus Lindera (noun.plant)
:genus persea, persea,
definition:avocado (noun.plant)
:genus sassafras,
definition:a genus of sassafras (noun.plant)
:genus umbellularia, umbellularia,
definition:aromatic evergreen trees of Pacific coast (noun.plant)
:genus illicium, illicium,
definition:anise trees: evergreen trees with aromatic leaves (noun.plant)
:genus magnolia,
definition:shrubs or trees of North America or Asia having entire evergreen or deciduous leaves; among most ancient of angiosperm genera (noun.plant)
:genus liriodendron, liriodendron,
definition:tulip trees (noun.plant)
:genus menispermum, menispermum,
definition:climbing herbs (noun.plant)
:cocculus, genus cocculus,
definition:climbing plants or shrubs (noun.plant)
:genus myristica, myristica,
definition:type genus of Myristicaceae; tropical Asian evergreen trees with small white or yellow flowers followed by fleshy fruits (noun.plant)
:genus nymphaea, nymphaea,
definition:the type genus of the family Nymphaeaceae; any of a variety of water lilies (noun.plant)
:genus nuphar, nuphar,
definition:spatterdocks (noun.plant)
:genus nelumbo, nelumbo,
definition:sometimes placed in the family Nymphaeaceae: lotuses (noun.plant)
:cabomba, genus cabomba,
definition:alternatively, a member of the family Nymphaeaceae; a small genus of American aquatic plants (noun.plant)
:brasenia, genus brasenia,
definition:alternatively, a member of the family Nymphaeaceae (noun.plant)
:genus paeonia, paeonia,
definition:peonies: herbaceous or shrubby plants having showy flowers (noun.plant)
:genus ranunculus, ranunculus,
definition:annual, biennial or perennial herbs: buttercup; crowfoot (noun.plant)
:aconitum, genus aconitum,
definition:genus of poisonous plants of temperate regions of northern hemisphere with a vaulted and enlarged petal (noun.plant)
:actaea, genus actaea,
definition:baneberry (noun.plant)
:adonis, genus adonis,
definition:annual or perennial herbs (noun.plant)
:genus anemone,
definition:perennial herbs with tuberous roots and beautiful flowers; of north and south temperate regions (noun.plant)
:anemonella, genus anemonella,
definition:one species: rue anemone (noun.plant)
:genus aquilegia,
definition:columbine (noun.plant)
:caltha, genus caltha,
definition:a genus of Caltha (noun.plant)
:cimicifuga, genus cimicifuga,
definition:small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions: bugbane (noun.plant)
:genus clematis,
definition:large genus of deciduous or evergreen woody vines or erect herbs (noun.plant)
:coptis, genus coptis,
definition:small genus of low perennial herbs having yellow rhizomes and white or yellow flowers (noun.plant)
:consolida, genus consolida,
definition:plants having flowers resembling the larkspur's but differing from larkspur's in the arrangement of petals; sometimes included in genus Delphinium (noun.plant)
:genus delphinium,
definition:large genus of chiefly perennial erect branching herbs of north temperate regions some poisonous (noun.plant)
:eranthis, genus eranthis,
definition:winter aconite (noun.plant)
:genus helleborus, helleborus,
definition:a genus of Helleborus (noun.plant)
:genus hepatica,
definition:small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions; allied to genus Anemone (noun.plant)
:genus hydrastis, hydrastis,
definition:small genus of perennial herbs having rhizomes and palmate leaves and small solitary flowers; of northeastern United States and Japan (noun.plant)
:genus isopyrum, isopyrum,
definition:tufted perennial herbs of northern hemisphere (noun.plant)
:genus laccopetalum, laccopetalum,
definition:one species: giant buttercup (noun.plant)
:genus nigella,
definition:erect annual Eurasian herbs (noun.plant)
:genus pulsatilla, pulsatilla,
definition:includes a group of plants that in some classifications are included in the genus Anemone: pasqueflowers (noun.plant)
:genus thalictrum, thalictrum,
definition:widely distributed genus of perennial herbs: meadow rue (noun.plant)
:genus trautvetteria, trautvetteria,
definition:small genus of perennial herbs: false bugbane (noun.plant)
:genus trollius, trollius,
definition:perennial herbs of north temperate regions: globeflowers (noun.plant)
:drimys, genus drimys,
definition:shrubs and trees of southern hemisphere having aromatic foliage (noun.plant)
:genus pseudowintera, genus wintera, pseudowintera, wintera,
definition:evergreen shrubs or small trees of Australia and New Zealand (noun.plant)
:magnoliidae, ranalian complex, subclass magnoliidae,
definition:a group of families of trees and shrubs and herbs having well-developed perianths and apocarpous ovaries and generally regarded as the most primitive extant flowering plants; contains 36 families including Magnoliaceae and Ranunculaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder (noun.plant)

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