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1. cause to form a channel (
:straighten, straighten out,
definition:make straight (
2. send from one person or place to another (
:displace, move,
definition:cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense (verb.motion)
:bring, convey, fetch, get,
definition:go or come after and bring or take back (
definition:transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another (
definition:transmit (
definition:bring to a certain spiritual state (
:release, turn,
definition:let (something) fall or spill from a container (
:send, send out,
definition:to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place (
3. make a channel for; provide with a channel (verb.creation)
:build, construct, make,
definition:make by combining materials and parts (verb.creation)
4. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling (verb.motion)
:command, control,
definition:exercise authoritative control or power over (
definition:maneuver into a dock (
definition:cause to sheer (verb.motion)
:pull over,
definition:steer a vehicle to the side of the road (verb.motion)
definition:be at or take the helm of (verb.motion)
definition:direct (an aircraft) into a crosswind (verb.motion)
definition:direct carefully and safely (verb.motion)
:stand out,
definition:steer away from shore, of ships (verb.motion)
definition:turn to the right, of helms or rudders (verb.motion)
definition:conduct or direct the steering of a ship or plane (verb.motion)
:navigate, pilot,
definition:act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance (verb.motion)
:canalise, canalize, channel,
definition:direct the flow of (verb.motion)
:corner, tree,
definition:force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape (verb.motion)
definition:maneuver a vehicle into a parking space (verb.motion)
5. cause to form a channel (
definition:a passage for water (or other fluids) to flow through (noun.artifact)
6. send from one person or place to another (
:transmission, transmittal, transmitting,
definition:the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted (noun.act)
:transfer, transference,
definition:the act of transfering something from one form to another (noun.act)
:conveyance, transfer, transferral, transport, transportation,
definition:the act of moving something from one location to another (noun.act)
:shipping, transport, transportation,
definition:the commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials (noun.act)
:canalisation, canalization, channelisation, channelization,
definition:management through specified channels of communication (noun.act)
:conveyance, transport,
definition:something that serves as a means of transportation (noun.artifact)
:canal, channel, duct, epithelial duct,
definition:a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance (noun.body)
:channel, transmission channel,
definition:a path over which electrical signals can pass (noun.communication)
:channel, communication channel, line,
definition:(often plural) a means of communication or access (noun.communication)
:sender, transmitter,
definition:someone who transmits a message (noun.person)
:transferer, transferrer,
definition:someone who transfers something (noun.person)
7. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling (verb.motion)
:maneuver, manoeuvre, play,
definition:a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill (noun.act)
:steerage, steering,
definition:the act of steering a ship (noun.act)
:canalisation, canalization, channelisation, channelization,
definition:management through specified channels of communication (noun.act)
:guidance, steering,
definition:the act of guiding or showing the way (noun.act)
:head, headway,
definition:forward movement (noun.event)
definition:the front of a military formation or procession (
:forefront, head,
definition:the part in the front or nearest the viewer (noun.location)
:aim, bearing, heading,
definition:the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies (noun.location)
definition:someone who shows the way by leading or advising (noun.person)
:helmsman, steerer, steersman,
definition:the person who steers a ship (noun.person)
:maneuverer, manoeuvrer,
definition:a person skilled in maneuvering (noun.person)
:guide, usher,
definition:someone employed to conduct others (noun.person)
:maneuverable, manoeuvrable,
definition:capable of maneuvering or changing position (adj.all)
8. cause to form a channel (
definition:a passage for water (or other fluids) to flow through (noun.artifact)
9. send from one person or place to another (
:transmission, transmittal, transmitting,
definition:the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted (noun.act)
:transfer, transference,
definition:the act of transfering something from one form to another (noun.act)
:conveyance, transfer, transferral, transport, transportation,
definition:the act of moving something from one location to another (noun.act)
:shipping, transport, transportation,
definition:the commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials (noun.act)
:canalisation, canalization, channelisation, channelization,
definition:management through specified channels of communication (noun.act)
:conveyance, transport,
definition:something that serves as a means of transportation (noun.artifact)
:canal, channel, duct, epithelial duct,
definition:a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance (noun.body)
:channel, transmission channel,
definition:a path over which electrical signals can pass (noun.communication)
:channel, communication channel, line,
definition:(often plural) a means of communication or access (noun.communication)
:sender, transmitter,
definition:someone who transmits a message (noun.person)
:transferer, transferrer,
definition:someone who transfers something (noun.person)
10. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling (verb.motion)
:maneuver, manoeuvre, play,
definition:a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill (noun.act)
:steerage, steering,
definition:the act of steering a ship (noun.act)
:canalisation, canalization, channelisation, channelization,
definition:management through specified channels of communication (noun.act)
:guidance, steering,
definition:the act of guiding or showing the way (noun.act)
:head, headway,
definition:forward movement (noun.event)
definition:the front of a military formation or procession (
:forefront, head,
definition:the part in the front or nearest the viewer (noun.location)
:aim, bearing, heading,
definition:the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies (noun.location)
definition:someone who shows the way by leading or advising (noun.person)
:helmsman, steerer, steersman,
definition:the person who steers a ship (noun.person)
:maneuverer, manoeuvrer,
definition:a person skilled in maneuvering (noun.person)
:guide, usher,
definition:someone employed to conduct others (noun.person)
:maneuverable, manoeuvrable,
definition:capable of maneuvering or changing position (adj.all)

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