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English Thesaurus

1. a pitch that is not in the strike zone (noun.act)
:delivery, pitch,
definition:(baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter (noun.act)
2. the game of baseball (noun.act)
:baseball, baseball game,
definition:a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs (noun.act)
:daisy cutter,
definition:a batted or served ball that skims along close to the ground (noun.act)
3. round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games (noun.artifact)
:game equipment,
definition:equipment or apparatus used in playing a game (noun.artifact)
definition:a ball used in playing baseball (noun.artifact)
definition:an inflated ball used in playing basketball (noun.artifact)
:billiard ball,
definition:ball used in playing billiards (noun.artifact)
:bocce ball, bocci ball, boccie ball,
definition:wooden ball that is bowled in the Italian game of bocce (noun.artifact)
definition:a wooden ball (with flattened sides so that it rolls on a curved course) used in the game of lawn bowling (noun.artifact)
:bowl, bowling ball,
definition:a large ball with finger holes used in the sport of bowling (noun.artifact)
:cricket ball,
definition:the ball used in playing cricket (noun.artifact)
:croquet ball,
definition:a wooden ball used in playing croquet (noun.artifact)
:field hockey ball,
definition:ball used in playing field hockey (noun.artifact)
definition:the inflated oblong ball used in playing American football (noun.artifact)
:golf ball,
definition:a small hard ball used in playing golf; dimpled to reduce wind resistance (noun.artifact)
definition:a small rubber ball used in playing the game of handball (noun.artifact)
definition:a small ball at which players aim in lawn bowling (noun.artifact)
:lacrosse ball,
definition:ball used in playing lacrosse (noun.artifact)
definition:a small ball of glass that is used in various games (noun.artifact)
:medicine ball,
definition:heavy ball used in physical training (noun.artifact)
:ninepin ball, skittle ball,
definition:ball used to knock down ninepins (noun.artifact)
:ping-pong ball,
definition:light hollow ball used in playing table tennis (noun.artifact)
:polo ball,
definition:wooden ball that is struck with mallets in playing polo (noun.artifact)
:pool ball,
definition:ball used in playing pool (noun.artifact)
:punch bag, punchball, punching bag, punching ball,
definition:an inflated ball or bag that is suspended and punched for training in boxing (noun.artifact)
definition:the ball used in playing the game of racquetball (noun.artifact)
:roulette ball,
definition:the ball used to play roulette (noun.artifact)
:rugby ball,
definition:inflated oval ball used in playing rugby (noun.artifact)
:soccer ball,
definition:an inflated ball used in playing soccer (noun.artifact)
:playground ball, softball,
definition:ball used in playing softball (noun.artifact)
:squash ball,
definition:rubber ball used in playing squash (noun.artifact)
:tennis ball,
definition:ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis (noun.artifact)
definition:an inflated ball used in playing volleyball (noun.artifact)
:wiffle, wiffle ball,
definition:(trademark) a hollow plastic ball with cutouts (noun.artifact)
4. a spherical object used as a plaything (noun.artifact)
:plaything, toy,
definition:an artifact designed to be played with (noun.artifact)
:beach ball, beachball,
definition:large and light ball; for play at the seaside (noun.artifact)
definition:snow pressed into a ball for throwing (playfully) (noun.artifact)
5. a solid projectile that is shot by a musket (noun.artifact)
:pellet, shot,
definition:a solid missile discharged from a firearm (noun.artifact)
6. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens (noun.body)
:gonad, sex gland,
definition:a gland in which gametes (sex cells) are produced (noun.body)
:male reproductive gland,
definition:the reproductive organs of a man (noun.body)
definition:a man's testicles (from Cockney rhyming slang: cobbler's awl rhymes with ball) (noun.body)
:undescended testicle, undescended testis,
definition:a testis that fails to move into the scrotum as the male fetus develops (noun.body)
:arteria testicularis, internal spermatic artery, testicular artery,
definition:a branch of the aorta supplying the testicles (noun.body)
:testicular vein, vena testicularis,
definition:a vein from the testicles (noun.body)
:seminiferous tubule,
definition:any of the numerous long convoluted tubules in the testis which are the sites where spermatozoa mature (noun.body)
definition:a convoluted tubule in each testis; carries sperm to vas deferens (noun.body)
:rete testis,
definition:network of tubules carrying sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the vasa efferentia (noun.body)
:ductus deferens, vas deferens,
definition:a duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct (noun.body)
:spermatic cord,
definition:a structure resembling a cord that suspends the testis within the scrotum and contains the vas deferens and other vessels and nerves (noun.body)
:male reproductive system,
definition:the reproductive system of males (noun.body)
:family jewels, male genital organ, male genitalia, male genitals,
definition:external male sex organs (noun.body)
7. a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass (noun.body)
:anatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part, structure,
definition:a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing (noun.body)
:hand, manus, mitt, paw,
definition:the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb (noun.body)
definition:the underside of the foot (noun.body)
8. a lavish dance requiring formal attire (noun.event)
definition:a party for social dancing (noun.event)
:cotilion, cotillion,
definition:a ball at which young ladies are presented to society (noun.event)
:fancy-dress ball, masked ball, masquerade ball,
definition:a ball at which guests wear costumes and masks (noun.event)
:prom, promenade,
definition:a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year (noun.event)
9. a compact mass (
definition:a jumbled collection or mass (
:clot, coagulum,
definition:a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid (noun.body)
definition:a lump of slimy stuff (
definition:a ball of yarn or cord or thread (
10. the people assembled at a lavish formal dance (
definition:a party of people assembled for dancing (
definition:a march of all the guests at the opening of a formal dance (noun.act)
11. United States comedienne best known as the star of a popular television program (1911-1989) (noun.person)
definition:a female actor (noun.person)
definition:a female comedian (noun.person)
12. an object with a spherical shape (noun.shape)
definition:a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses) (noun.shape)
:crystal ball,
definition:a glass or crystal globe used in crystal gazing by fortunetellers (noun.artifact)
:camphor ball, mothball,
definition:a small sphere of camphor or naphthalene used to keep moths away from stored clothing (noun.artifact)
definition:a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time; especially at an observatory (noun.artifact)
definition:the luminous center of a nuclear explosion (noun.object)
definition:a ball of fire (such as the sun or a ball-shaped discharge of lightning) (noun.object)
definition:a small globe or ball (noun.object)
definition:a small sphere (noun.shape)
definition:a small sphere (noun.shape)
definition:a small round soft mass (as of chewed food) (noun.shape)
13. form into a ball by winding or rolling (
:roll, twine, wind, wrap,
definition:arrange or or coil around (
14. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens (noun.body)
definition:of or involving the testes (adj.pert)
15. a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass (noun.body)
definition:form into a ball by winding or rolling (
16. a compact mass (
:chunk, collocate, lump,
definition:group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side (verb.cognition)
definition:having lumps; not smooth and even in texture (adj.all)
:chunky, lumpy,
definition:like or containing small sticky lumps (adj.all)
17. an object with a spherical shape (noun.shape)
:conglobate, conglobe,
definition:assume a globular shape (verb.change)
:ball-shaped, global, globose, globular, orbicular, spheric, spherical,
definition:having the shape of a sphere or ball (adj.all)
18. form into a ball by winding or rolling (
definition:a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass (noun.body)
19. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens (noun.body)
definition:of or involving the testes (adj.pert)
20. a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass (noun.body)
definition:form into a ball by winding or rolling (
21. a compact mass (
:chunk, collocate, lump,
definition:group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side (verb.cognition)
definition:having lumps; not smooth and even in texture (adj.all)
:chunky, lumpy,
definition:like or containing small sticky lumps (adj.all)
22. an object with a spherical shape (noun.shape)
:conglobate, conglobe,
definition:assume a globular shape (verb.change)
:ball-shaped, global, globose, globular, orbicular, spheric, spherical,
definition:having the shape of a sphere or ball (adj.all)
23. form into a ball by winding or rolling (
definition:a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass (noun.body)

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